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Finally submitted my methods section draft!!

… of my dissertation. I submitted it two weeks late. My supervisor was understanding and didn’t scold me 😭😭 It’s such a relief now that I’m not dreading it anymore. I struggle so much with deadlines (but this is the first time it got so bad actually), I fear I might have ADHD. Thinking of getting tested from my uni.
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Are you doing psychology? That sounds like a lab report😭 hated those
@MysterySci yeah, I did psychology and counselling and then psychotherapeutic counselling. Did you have to use SPSS? If you did, ima pray for you.
MysterySci · 22-25, F
@HijabaDabbaDoo Damn 😭 did you like your degree? Yes I had to use SPSS for first and second year. But my supervisor insisted we use R to do the analysis and i aint got a clue about R 😭😭

@MysterySci I haven't done R in so long, I've forgot almost all of it😭
I enjoyed my post grad a lot more than my under grad. That's more to do with how each module in my post grad seemed to compliment each other. In your under grad, you're learning about so many different psychological approaches at the same time, it took more brain power to compartmentalise. Maybe that's just a me thing tho.

What about you?

Just did it


Stuff happened
MysterySci · 22-25, F
@UBotMate ikr 😂😂
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Does eveyone study psychology lol
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@HijabaDabbaDoo @MysterySci i switched to book keeping and tbh im glad i did

When I was younger they didn't even have any jobs at all..the few that were avaliable are all post grad and i found it tough

I went into accounting when i moved here and havent looked back..if the situation arises i do want to open my own drop in centre as a charitable unit. But im still working on a proposal
@Gangstress I totally get it. It's hard man. I know so many that changed career paths. I'll probably do the same but have my own private practice in a few years. That's the plan at least. So at least that way I still have my foot in the door and all that training doesn't go to waste. Especially when we need more priority for mental health.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@HijabaDabbaDoo yeh absolutely 💯
Thats a good idea

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