Picklebobble · 56-60, M
This is a good question.
The adult guide to life should include:
Budgeting. - How to live on a restricted income. Bill management; taxation; meal planning etc.
Better to have some ideas ahead of time rather than try to 'play it by ear' at the time you need it !
First aid: How to: give chest compressions; make people comfortable after an incident. What to do if: somebody is choking; drowning; epileptic seizure; heart attack etc.
Basic home improvement:
How to measure and fit carpeting or wood flooring.
How to hang wallpaper; paint effectively; how to treat mould or mildew.
How to wire a plug; Clear the drain under your sink; re-start your heating system; drain and refill your water tank/radiators etc.
Changing the plugs; air filter; anti-freeze; washer fluid etc. in your car.
All things that can improve or even save life !
Yet sadly they're things we only come to when things have started to go wrong !
The adult guide to life should include:
Budgeting. - How to live on a restricted income. Bill management; taxation; meal planning etc.
Better to have some ideas ahead of time rather than try to 'play it by ear' at the time you need it !
First aid: How to: give chest compressions; make people comfortable after an incident. What to do if: somebody is choking; drowning; epileptic seizure; heart attack etc.
Basic home improvement:
How to measure and fit carpeting or wood flooring.
How to hang wallpaper; paint effectively; how to treat mould or mildew.
How to wire a plug; Clear the drain under your sink; re-start your heating system; drain and refill your water tank/radiators etc.
Changing the plugs; air filter; anti-freeze; washer fluid etc. in your car.
All things that can improve or even save life !
Yet sadly they're things we only come to when things have started to go wrong !
amethyst1 · 36-40, F
Yes! These are great ideas.
ajoite · 51-55, F
Survival skills of all kinds, in the wild and life skills, cooking on a budget, yep things like changing a tyre, basic maintenance, plumbing etc.
Foraging for food, and educating yourself as to where your food/clothes come from, no matter if you're a meat-eater, veggie or vegan
Foraging for food, and educating yourself as to where your food/clothes come from, no matter if you're a meat-eater, veggie or vegan
ButterFly2023 · 22-25, M
Political history.
Good question. I'm just posting this to know what people think
Kasekosmos · 31-35, F
We also want to know what you think :) sit on it for awhile
ruzgar · 22-25
Survival skills
Zer0Point · 36-40, F
common sense
KatieB · 26-30, F
I definitely agree with the "how to change a tire". A few months ago I was with 2 of my friends from college and we got a flat tire on our way back to school and none of us knew how to change one. Since it was so late at night, pouring rain, and none of us had our own Triple A, we were pretty much stranded there for a good 3 hours until my parents were able to come up and change it for us! Very embarrassing
bell1990 · 31-35, F
How to make oneself happy and others too
Goralski · 56-60, M
Serenitree · F
Sign language for the deaf. Every person should know how to sign.
Snickerdooodle · 31-35, F
Taxation is theft