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Jamila Polatova- oncologist from Uzbekistan , Tashkent

Jamila Polatova: “Only knowledge can save

Against the backdrop of global concerns
The COVID-19 pandemic pushed cancer out of the
information space, but it still remains on the second
place in mortality after cardiovascular disease. In 2020 in
19.3 million new cases of cancer have been diagnosed worldwide, and about 10 million
people died from this terrible disease. Annually in Uzbekistan
more than 20 thousand cases of cancer are detected, while the number
oncological patients in the republic amounted to more than 100 thousand.
Just look at the top 10 countries in terms of incidence per 100,000 population,
to state with surprise: this list is headed by the most
developed countries of the world (Denmark, Norway, USA, Canada, etc.). At the same time, the rating
mortality from cancer is already formed mainly from the countries of Africa, Asia and
Of Eastern Europe. There is no contradiction in this: the fact is that in developed
countries are doing much better with diagnostics, and we are talking about identifying
cancer in the early stages, while mortality is either kept at a stable
level or decrease. That is why more than 70% of deaths occur
to developing countries, where cancer is often detected too late.
There are several reasons, as usual, but among the main ones one can single out the traditional
the carelessness of the patients themselves, who put off going to the doctor for a long time, as well as
shortage of personnel against the backdrop of a growing need for qualified oncologists.
In May 2021, the Resolution of the President "On further
improving the system of providing the population with hematological and
oncological services”, involving, among the set of measures, the involvement of
foreign experts and leading research institutions. At
This important positive signal is that the decision of the nationwide
Civil society has also become involved in the problem. And it's not just about funds, but also
about private social initiatives, the first of which was the project of the Onco School
Jamila Polatova. The founder of the school sees it as his mission to unite efforts
professionals and society aimed at increasing the level of knowledge in the field
oncology and success in the fight against cancer.
Commenting on the creation of the Onco School, Jamila Polatova said: “The activity
school is aimed at increasing the level of knowledge of students, clinical
residents and young professionals - those who want to keep abreast of the latest
medical advances. To this end, in addition to regular courses, it is planned
organization of trainings, seminars, conferences, as well as lectures and master-
classes from the world's leading scientists. The most serious attention will be given
practical classes, and the best students will be sent for internships for
abroad. However, an equally important area will be the School of Patients for those
who have already encountered the disease, as well as their loved ones: they will be helped not only with
medical point of view, but also consult on psychological,
legal, financial and other aspects - all this is critical for
effective treatment and recovery.My goal is to contribute to the discovery
diseases in the early stages, and this cannot be achieved without educational
work among the population and direct interaction with doctors. Only
Knowledge can save lives."
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Miram · 31-35, F
It can be achieved WITH MONEY

No one wants to die. They just can't afford preventing it..
Miram · 31-35, F
@Miram Also you are clearly a spam bot. But I am way bummed to even care.

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