I have a work math question I need help with

$706.24 7018% 21% $838.04
$1,628.85 9940.72% 48.32% $1,932.83
$629.09 9416% 0% $-
$474.28 9812% 14% $562.79
$311.54 1008% 9% $369.68
$250.00 936% 7% $296.66
$4,000.00 100% 100% $4,000.00
Ok so basically there is an expense of $4000 that is currently paid proportionally by 6 projects but project "94" has endedso I need to recalculate the ratio based on the cost being absorbed by the other projects. But, there is a project= "99" that needs to be always kept at 40.72% = 1628.85$. so how do I distribute the cost attached to 94 to all the other projects except for 99 which is fized at 40.72%. URGENTLY NEED HELP IM LOSING MY MIND LOL. Where my SW nerds at?!??
Seriously though, any help appreciated. ( :