MartinII · 70-79, M
At my school, one of the tasks of the prefects was to patrol the corridors during lunch breaks, and to make sure that everone was sitting down and silent after the bell went for the start of afternoon classes. When I became a prefect in my last year, I’m afraid I rather enjoyed doling out lines to boys who broke the rules.
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MartinII · 70-79, M
@skimpyboy Only the head was officially authorised to use cp, at both my junior and grammar schools. Most teachers were reluctant to send boys to the head, perhaps because to do so would reflect badly on them. The same mistress who gave me that first detention once sent me to stand in the corridor outside the head’s study. I think she intended to ask him to cane me, but if so she thought better of it.
NortiusMaximus · M
Got lines a few times but most teachers just gave us the slipper. Got that loads of times.