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kayoshin · 36-40, M
A simple one. Convert money to time before spending. Let's say you make 10 currency per hour. You then see a nice.. whatever that costs 100. Ask yourself not if it's a good deal or if it's expensive, instead ask: if someone came and asked me to work my ass of for 10 hours and all they would giveme was this thing and nothing else, would I agree? You'll be surprised how your concept of value changes when you stop looking at money like numbers and start looking at money as days of your life.
Never pass up an opportunity to save even pennies. It will add up in the long run. Take a pass on Cable, cut up the credit cards and shop (and donate to)Good Will and take advantage of Find the best paying job you can get. Stay away from drugs and alcohol and you will be rich in no time.
Skeleton · 26-30, F
Don't do grocery shopping when you're hungry
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
Earn more. You'll save more.
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
Stop sending money.