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Montanaman · M
Don't give up your dreams.👍🤗
Montanaman · M
My niece is in the exact same situation. She's doing nursing now, but wants to be a surgeon. If I were you, I'd go biomed. Since you really don't want to be a nurse. I wouldn't take a year off, in fear of getting back again might be harder because of life changes...
foxyk99 · 22-25, F
@Montanaman Thanks, Like I could do nursing if I truly try, the problem is the student loans I have like if I know I don't want to be a nurse and such why would I do the schooling for it
Montanaman · M
@foxyk99 I understand that, and agree.

Les02 · 26-30, F Best Comment
I've been where you are now, it's the most shitties, depressing and loneliest feeling out there. Nobody can tell you what's in your heart or know how you feel. Unfortunately it's a decision you'll have to make on your own, with the love and support of your family and friends. The only advice I can offer is sit and write down the prose and cons, then pick a moment when your emotions aren't overwhelming you. Then read what you've written over and over. My nan told me to do this, Each time I read my speele I found I kept changing it. Finally it started to make some sense to me. It turned out it was the best piece of advice I've ever received.

Best wishes Hun.
I don’t think you’ve lost yourself. Stressed? Yes. However, you know exactly what your dream is. So find a way to pursue it and the best route to take to have your dream fulfilled. It may not be easy, but it will be worthwhile. Mohammed Ali hated every training session and workout he had, but he was smart. He knew one thing. Persist in this one hard thing, and do the very best you can, then you’ll be set for life. Don’t quit now. Perhaps see the school counselor and find out the best way to fulfill your dreams with the best courses necessary to get you to your goal. Perseverance is the key to success.
TexChik · F
If you want any chance of getting into medschool you had better grab this semester’s work by the neck and kick ass! If you quit you will guarantee that medschools wont consider you. They want to see hard , exemplary work and they want to read glowing recommendations by your instructors. So you made a bad choice and went nursing instead of premed . So what ? It may just give you insight into what nurses do and be one of those rare physicians that appreciates them ! If you can’t handle nursing you won’t be able to handle premed . College isn’t about getting to take only what interests you have to attack things you feel are a waste of time and do well in spite of how you feel about it . That displays your dedication and drive , and most importantly... self discipline. You’ll need all of that in medschool. So take this opportunity to display some self discipline, embrace your current course load , and in December, meet with your counselor and change your degree plan . When they look
at you transcript and see how good a student you are ... they will work it out for you . Knowledge is knowledge.., get on it! 😉
The medical field is a complex and diverse one.. Your desire to pursue a career in surgery is ambitious to say the least. In all careers there's a need to cover subjects that you may consider outside of your interest, (psychology etc have important aspects when dealing with people/patients).. I think you're frustrated with your anxiety issues which makes you more frustrated.. Have you sought help to manage your anxiety? When this is under control you will find your confidence will will boosted and your perspective on your capabilities will be uplifted..

I would be hesitant to taking time out... This will set you back, it will also hammer your confidence in yourself.. Seek some assistance for your anxiety issues and good luck in your academic and career pursuits......
indyjoe · 56-60, M
If you think nursing is hard, just wait until you see what medical school and internship have to offer...I'm not trying to discourage you (not at all), but you should give the matter some more thought before committing to it. Watching Grey's Anatomy may be inspiring to you, but it's still just a television show and doesn't show you all of the realities of the occupation or what it requires of a person to be a surgeon. Only you can make the decision as to what to do, but I think you need to look deeper into it and give the matter ALOT more thought.
I've taken up Nursing as my PreMed course, and now am already on my 3rd year in Medschool. I hated it when I was in first yr but believe it or not it's one of the best premed courses if you're planning on taking up Medicine. It's got a lot of advantages esp dealing with real patients. Also..becoming a Surgeon isnt just about Anatomy. You'll have to learn about pediatrics, obstetrics, psychiatry and other stuff which are subjects taught in Nursing too.
MikeSp · 56-60, M
I suggest getting several opinions for such an important decision. Of course you should talk with any career counselors at school, but talking to nurses and doctors who have been in the game for awhile could be quite helpful. They will be flattered you asked.
Re the loans, how about the US military medical school route. They pay for all your schooling and you get a salary. You graduate as a commissioned officer, I think captain, and you agree to serve X number of years. Put in the minimum for retirement and you will get a nice check every month. Stay in long enough and you will be in charge of a hospital. See the Army, Navy, and Air Force recruiters.
foxyk99 · 22-25, F
@MikeSp I'm canadian but it is pretty much the same, I am looking into that route though I just have to go talk to the military people in my city
So you didn't make it to Surgeon school?
I have friends who are nurses, when you're training, learning you have to cover everything.. Then you specialise later on in your career
Yes it is hard, a lot of hard work and dedication is needed to get where you want.. Don't give up at the first hurdle, this is the stage where you find out what you're made of. Can you buckle down and get on with it and give yourself a career path that you always dreamed of.
This may not be the direct way to get where you want to... But it can still be a way there..
Best of luck 🍀👍

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