Boyfriend is picking me up in a few hours. We'll see then.
Masumbrz · M
@SW-User Best of luck..😃

Probably and nap and more coffee.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Finish up an Excel project, two chapters of macroeconomics and an accounting test.
Tonight I’ll knock out a couple chapters of business math and read some global env of business
Tonight I’ll knock out a couple chapters of business math and read some global env of business
Masumbrz · M
@Pinkstarburst business math,macroeconomic..Oh no😱😱
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
To sleep.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Going out for a meal with my boyfriend for Valentine's day.
Masumbrz · M
@tallpowerhouseblonde Have a nice day

too late