School pupils yes, college students obviously not; and in Britain that extends to many Sixth-Form streams in ordinary schools.
[Incidentally, a "public school" in its British meaning is actually a private, fee-paying one! The description recalls their origins as schools open to the public - well, those parents who could afford them - centuries before the State system was created.]
I believe kids should be taught in a BETTER system than "public" schools - home schooled or private. It doesnt have to be an all matching uniform, but there needs to be a neat and presentable appearance.
Yes everyone in uniform , so no bullying, the kids that can no afford the up to date clothes and trainers
All school children wear uniform in the UK, it means there is no rivalry with who can afford designer clothes and who can't. It looks smart and encourages discipline.
I think the term "public school" means something different in the US? Here in the UK, state schools are run by the state and public schools are not (they are privately run - ie by the public).