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Batibat · 31-35, F
Did you know that some still do?
SuperMachoNerdMan · 31-35, M
@Batibat Really ?? 😦
Batibat · 31-35, F
@SuperMachoNerdMan No. Just kidding.

~hides her dolls~

dumpstermeow · 41-45, F Best Comment
And now we just waste all that hair. Such a shame.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Yes or donated hair. There was no means to make synthetic hair at that time:)
@ravenwind43 they used to pay for it too yeah? If you were really poor a girl could sell her hair. I know this through a movie so.....could be wrong
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
@SW-User Yes sounds about right. Hair receivers were popular then so a woman could safely store her hair. She would keep it to make a hairpiece for herself or sell it:)
LucyCan · 26-30, F
How macabre! I wonder if they used their teeth too.
no, but it wouldn't surprise me

they kept the dead with them for a long time

and hardly ever bathed
Portraits of dead family members were popular so I'm not really surprised
No but I do now
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
A few years ago I was cleaning out a relatives home and in the attic found preserved hair from dead Victorian relatives. Wrapped in butcher block style paper. Also death photos.
Is there much difference between adult hair and "kid" hair. It was pretty coarse if I remember those dolls
That is creepy.
Perhaps that is how all the legends of possessed dolls got started?

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