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is going back to college really worth it?

a couple years ago i was in college and dropped out the first year, second semester. i often see posts on social media or hear about others graduating college. problem with my situation is that i have no family members to help me with anything (very typical of them, but that's another story). i have a stable job now that i mostly like. ok home life here and nowhere near my family. my depression is getting better a little bit and i don't care much about what others say, i plan to go to counseling if i'm able to. i regret dropping out of college but it was the only option at that time because my mom kept stealing my money and threatened to make me homeless. now i'm in a more stable situation and have a place. i don't exactly know what degree i want, but if i complete college then at least i can say that i graduated (more of a personal achievement thing). i don't want to jump through the hoops and volunteer and other stuff for scholarships or grants. i just want to be at my job full time (30-40 hours per week) and thinking of going to college again, like 1-2 classes per semester. i know it will take me a while to get a degree, but i'm patient and there's no rush to do too many classes at once, and i have a limited budget since i'll be paying out of pocket. i just need to know if i'll be wasting my time and money or not
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No, that is not going to waste your time. It is a very smart choice.
@nonsensiclesnail 👆👆👆
College feeds your mind and grows your self. You said at the outset that you regretted it. Listeb to yourself.
trackboy · 26-30, M
there are a lot of career fields at the community colleges. a associates degree that leads to a good paying job.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@randomgirl42 you just have to choose career field that is in demand and pays well for associate degree. you can look up what each field pays in your area and how much of a need there is for people in that field. that's the biggest part. finding the right field so you will make good money and will be easy to get a job in that field. costs far less at community college as your both living at home and lower tuition. why was mom stealing from you?????
randomgirl42 · 26-30, F
@trackboy you're very right. i think i'll just have an undeclared major and complete all the basic classes first, then decide what to major in. my mom stole from me because we don't really have money in the first place (grew up poor). my dad was never around and parents never married each other. none of my other family members helped us, they only care for themselves. lived on govt assistance and food stamps, my mom was too lazy to get a job and make her own money. when i had a job and was getting scholarship money she stole it and used it on herself, bought herself a new car using my money. but i believe in karma and one day that will all come back to bite her.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@randomgirl42 you need to decide on what to major first. in associate degrees there are few general classes. most classes are for that degree. that's totally different from a bachelors degree where most of the first year classes are general education classes. normally scholar ship money can only go for tuition and books. it should had been in your name as most are 18 by time they start college. there are very few basic classes in an associate degree. you need to lo ok up the good paying in demand career fields for associates degree. look up how many jobs there are in those fields. talk to people working in those fields. you got lot of time to research as the degree programs start In the fall. also file free federal application for student aid.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
You should probably try to take some classes you don't necessarily need to degree although it would help I'm going for a certification that way I can break into a line of field and have the skills I need to start right away but good luck to you random girl
randomgirl42 · 26-30, F
@TheRascallyOne thanks, good luck to you too
Just go back to college and do something you enjoy don’t go back just to get some big qualification necessarily unless you find you want to.
randomgirl42 · 26-30, F
@Gingerbreadspice i still don't know what i want to do with my life. i was going for an English major so i can be an author or newspaper editor but now i don't really think that's my passion. i'm thinking of starting a small business of my own in the future, but that's just a thought. i haven't really found anything i love just yet
Wiseacre · F
Whether it will be a waste of time and money, only you can know. Depends on how motivated you are to get ahead.
Try to get the degree unless you have a job like sales, real estate, construction, etc.
Classy · 22-25, F
It’s always worth getting a better education for yourself
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
You need to have a plan first, where you do want to be? would you achieve it through going to college??

Screw the personal achievement thingie... You need to do what will actually get you somewhere and not just be a paper on the wall
randomgirl42 · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst i do agree with you on some points. i'd like to work in a small work environment (not many other employees) and calm work place. i don't exactly have any solid ideas on what to do yet
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@randomgirl42 Physical labor?
randomgirl42 · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst i don't think that's for me, my health isn't too good and my lungs are weak so i get out of breath easily. i used to be a grocery sacker and passed out at work because of all the labor and stress, rushing. can't handle rushing and heavy objects

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