is going back to college really worth it?
a couple years ago i was in college and dropped out the first year, second semester. i often see posts on social media or hear about others graduating college. problem with my situation is that i have no family members to help me with anything (very typical of them, but that's another story). i have a stable job now that i mostly like. ok home life here and nowhere near my family. my depression is getting better a little bit and i don't care much about what others say, i plan to go to counseling if i'm able to. i regret dropping out of college but it was the only option at that time because my mom kept stealing my money and threatened to make me homeless. now i'm in a more stable situation and have a place. i don't exactly know what degree i want, but if i complete college then at least i can say that i graduated (more of a personal achievement thing). i don't want to jump through the hoops and volunteer and other stuff for scholarships or grants. i just want to be at my job full time (30-40 hours per week) and thinking of going to college again, like 1-2 classes per semester. i know it will take me a while to get a degree, but i'm patient and there's no rush to do too many classes at once, and i have a limited budget since i'll be paying out of pocket. i just need to know if i'll be wasting my time and money or not