Dewms Best Comment
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
@Dewms Really long word there! 😉😁😁
eMortal · M
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
@eMortal That's a great word!!
fancyboy · 61-69, M
I think mine is "psychosomatic". But it might all be in my mind.....
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fancyboy · 61-69, M
fancyboy · 61-69, M
@PeanutsauntieP1982 Did she say, "Don't get saucy!"?
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Wow thats my favorite one too
even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
@rckt148 *sings* SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!! *spreads arms wide theatrically!*
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@PeanutsauntieP1982 and I bet I get a standing ovation
I'll turn it into everyone has to join in ,,,bet it would be the hit of the night
I'll turn it into everyone has to join in ,,,bet it would be the hit of the night
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
Oh yeah! Mary Poppins is just a GREAT movie!!

Hyperventilating. Lol
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
@SW-User That's a good word, but remember; when you hyperventilate, you add to the feelings of a panic/anxiety attack. Just breathe. 😁😁
UrethraFranklin · F
Dilapidation. Just sounds so satisfying. Kinda like dubitative.
Orrrr bubbles.. i like bubbles.
Orrrr bubbles.. i like bubbles.
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
@UrethraFranklin Bubbles is a great one! Like your username btw.
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PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
@GreensCornbreadYams do you like hearing, using or seeing big words? I like them because I like the challenge of figuring out what they mean.


Fernie · F