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kurokitsune · 31-35, M
This isn't a question...anyone who speaks in a way that is wrong is matter what...and anyone who is a teacher who does not help their student learn is not meant to be a teacher...period. That is not how teaching works and that is not how normal self aware sensitive and emotionally stable and sound intelligent people work....she should not be a teacher...there are many teachers like this and worse who should not be in this line of work and I do not know why for the life of me they find themselves in these teach children should be of a means that comes not only from a love of teaching and learning...but of a love of reaching out socially to others in a learning environment.
Since she has no ordinary judgement you should seek further assistance into this and see if anything can be done to solve this problem.
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@kurokitsune I plan to transfer out of her class to another science that I may be able to understand better.
kurokitsune · 31-35, M
@Deletedlol Good, I'm happy for you, perhaps some justice will eventually come to the others who are left behind and they speak to someone about the teachers attitude in order for some positive changes to occur.
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@kurokitsune thanks :) and we plan on having a meeting with the tea her and administration.

rckt148 · 61-69, M
I asked did other students have trouble ,and now you have said only 2 besides you didn't get it ,
So how is it the rest of the class except 3 didn't ?
When in training while in boot camp I was called to the hospital a lot ,
I had health issues ,so it got me behind in my class training .
Then add I was 17 and home sick ,worried someone might be trying to sweet talk my new bride while I was away ,to say I was distracted was an understatement ,
So to make a long story short ,I got held back a week .
My new Company Commander had an assistant ,and he was a real jerk ,and mean
he gets in my face and threatens me ,I better not mess up his company ,and every morning he singled me out "adjusting Ok recruit ?" Sir yes Sir
I go from the worst in the crew to the best
I learned to take very good notes on everything
When I write something down ,its gets in the brain and commits to memory
Now should she have took time and explained it to you ?
More then likely she should have ,and you and the other 2 would have understood ,
BUT , it also could have been a lesson in next time pay better attention ,even take notes .
I am glad I learned my lesson
I got to go to Base Miami Beach Florida instead of isolated duty in Alaska
Had I not got reverted ,that would have been my only choice,, Alaska

So being kept another week from my wife was my motivation
but in the end there was more to loose then I could have imagined
So do you want me to candy coat it ,and say she was wrong ,maybe she was
and maybe had you waited until after class and asked her what you were missing ,she may have explained why she did what she did ,,she did take time to text you
Maybe she will let you make it up ,with better instructions

Today people want to tell the youth "Bad Teacher "no way they were in the wrong
the teacher was to blame "thats her job" ,she is paid to teach ,,maybe she just did ,

When I teach or train now ,I often leave things off on purpose
I challenge you you to tell me if I made an error
did I leave something out
it makes you pay more attention to detail ,take notes commit things to memory
and my way beats someone threating to kick your but and punish everyone because of you .
My way makes you pay attention to detail and be self reliant ,not always looking to me .
the threat of mass punishment ,
You see what that causes ,,is others will help you ,or kick your butt when you are sleeping
it motivates a 17 yr old to go from the worst in the company to the best
no one likes a blanket party at 2 am (they literally beat the crap out of you )
I said all this to say next time ,ask questions before the exam
and read it a million times if need be instead of getting mad
some how all but 3 of you got it ,at some point ,the others heard the directions
I wont say the teacher was right or wrong ,I will say she holds your grade ,she or he is the teacher ,its best to stay on their good side ,,then they are more apt to help you
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@rckt148 And like I said, she did not teach us how to do that. I play plenty attention in school and usually get As and a few Bs. I took notes on what she did show us which was a video.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Deletedlol so will you feel better and go enjoy your 3 day weekend if we all say you are right ?
and maybe ask on Tuesday if she will explain the directions you did not get today
Cause today is over ,and can't be repaired ,,regardless who is right or wrong
But I do get it upset you ,you made the post
The teacher wins and you loose today ,
was she right ,I need to know her side too
and even then its only my opinion ,she controls your grade
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@rckt148 I have training throughout the weekend. Hopefully she'll explain but I doubt it.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Teachers failure.
Like it or not, they have to get the entire class to a level of understanding.
To put something in front of you and ask you to get on with it, is lazy !
It shows poor comprehension of a students problem and a couldn't care less attitude in trying to rectify the situation.

There's a good reason why teaching is a respected occupation. That's because so few of them can actually do it !

there's also a reason for the adage
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
It is frustrating when a teacher knows that the pupil has not been listening and then they expect it repeated to them again. They know the difference between someone that is genuinely struggling with the concept.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@pennynoodles precisely
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@pennynoodles I'm a good student, and do great in other classes. I pay attention in class and ask questions if I don't understand. I pay plenty attention, it's just a subject that doesn't come easily to me.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Sounds like you have quite an attitude problem that needs addressing.
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@MasterLee In what way did I have an atitiude?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Deletedlol I realize you wrote that trying to appear somehow wronged but my take was from the teacher. You kept being disrespectful and tried to get out of the assignment. Perhaps you need remedial training to complete it but that day was not appropriate because of the other students
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@MasterLee It was independent work, I was not distracting the class. Multiple people needed help as well, not just me. My tone was not disrespectful until she refused for the 3rd time. I also did not try to get out of the assignment I just wanted her to explain to me what it was asking me to do so I could complete it.
abe182 · 46-50, M
Student didn't learn.
Teacher didn't teach.
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@abe182 I can't learn if she doesn't teach.
abe182 · 46-50, M
@Deletedlol exactly. This was the mantra of educators. Whose job is it to teach? You seemed willing to learn it.
Jazzy · 26-30, F
She should have explained the assignment to you.
I'm curious to know if your classmates also had trouble understanding the assignment.
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@Jazzy Hopefully I'll be transferring out of that class into Marine Biology.
Jazzy · 26-30, F
🙂 Good luck.
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@Jazzy Thanks :)
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Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@treadingwater That's what I've been saying. Lol
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Were the other students in the dark or just you ?
if everyone else got the directions maybe you did miss something in the days before .and its a lesson in paying attention .
I love the tests that say "sign your name ,put your head down "
While the rest of the class keeps asking me what I am doing .
I followed directions
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@rckt148 Multiple kids were asking for help but she told them all no.
metalicblack · 46-50, M
Some teachers don't care they go to work and get paid the first time was acceptable by the second time she should have helped
I'm not gonna read it all because the teacher is always right.
@MartinTheFirst I didn't say the teacher was right. I said everyone will just accept the teacher is right because they're a teacher :P
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User I know :P
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@SW-User My parents and other teachers most certainly don't think she was right.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
She was in the wrong. Sad that people don't see their own flaws hu?
Deletedlol · 22-25, F

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