I have gotten the privilege of studying in the co-ed school by the Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation who devoted to the service of Education by the founder member Nano Nagle in 1775 in Ireland.
The Presentation Sisters spread to many towns in Ireland and parts of the world thereby coming to India in 1842.
The task of the Presentation School today is to accompany the students to discover the light within themselves and share it with others ...
The Presentation Sisters spread to many towns in Ireland and parts of the world thereby coming to India in 1842.
The task of the Presentation School today is to accompany the students to discover the light within themselves and share it with others ...
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I went to several different schools; a Catholic preschool in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero Mexico. Escuela Niños Héroes de las Colonias de Ziracuaretiro, Michoacan Mexico the the rest of grammar school, High School, trade school, in Polk County and Ozark county Arkansas. That was one seriously backwards place in the 70's!
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@SakuraShimeji I know! I'm pro 2nd amendment, but I also believe it should be as hard to own and legally use a gun, as it is to own and legally drive a car.
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@SakuraShimeji Many of my friends would hate that. I think personally that gun ownership should be mandatory to those who can pass the required tests and such. I like the system that Switzerland had about 40 years ago. Unfortunately, the USA has opened Pandora's box, and now, the confiscation and reissue of ballistic weapons would render a large number of people vulnerable to predatory criminals. The criminals would take advantage of the situation and have a field day!
Stellen · 36-40, M
I was the poor kid in a school full of kids that literally had houses on a bay with boats and houses with tennis courts and movie theaters....
jennypenny · 70-79, F
I went to a GPDST day grammar school. Always thankful for the wonderful education I got
generaljester · 22-25, F
A public school that uses Apple electronics curtesy of the company itself.
down2business · 31-35, M
All boys school here, thankfully not boarding, that must've been an ordeal
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
I went to girls only college but I went to male female mix school.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Simplegirlstory Which did you prefer?
Simplegirlstory · 31-35, F
Mix one
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Simplegirlstory Why?
iFaye · 26-30, F
I went to a boarding school myself. It was okay
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
Bog standard co-ed British Comp.
Lonelyandyb · 36-40, M
Mostly mixed.Went to a boys only for one year,couldn't stand it.

technical high school
Sepia · 36-40, F
I went from private school, colleges and university..all run by catholics
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
I went to a expensive private boys only boarding school and hated it .Ran away twice was so glad when I finally left at 18 .
Diyanne · F
Btw, I go to the ordinary school...I can go home straight away after class...
jennypenny · 70-79, F
Most people I know who went to a boarding school hated it
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Did they use corporal punishment there? Some places of the sort are known to.
Spoiledbrat · F
I went to both public and private schools.
Pandabutter · 36-40, M
It was a typical secondary school. nothing too amazing.

A public school in a somewhat small town.
popmol · 26-30, M
the average school where it was mixed.
why was it that bad miss?
why was it that bad miss?
Darkworld · 26-30, M
I went to public school where both my parents were teachers.. That alone made me an outcast. my parents bent over backwards so as to not appear to be favoring me,in fact they treated me more harshly than the other kids. I Hated every minute of school.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
@Darkworld damn

I went to an all girls Christian school and my family's not even Christian lol. I hated every second of it too and after spending 9 years there I thanked the lords when I ended up getting expelled.
Diyanne · F
Boarding school...that is boring....sorry...but thats what I think...😟
I went to a private school for girls not boarding,.. thankfully
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
Why did you hate it?
Melisaraptor · 26-30, F
@Mugin16 why would anyone want to live at school
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@Melisaraptor Boarding school can have advantages. You can make friends for life. How old were you when you went to this school?
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Boys only public school. It was a zoo at times but good.
Private Catholic School run by mean nuns.
bijouxbroussard · F
I went to a women-only college and lived on campus. But the men's college (our brother school) was just across the way, within walking distance. Before that, I attended coed parochial schools.

im a fucking dinosaur hahahahahahaha lol i had really lol at that