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41-45, F
We kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves
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22-25, M
Thank you lovely duck❤
Merry Christmas Meow. :) :* <3
Any time. 🤗
46-50, M
Merry Christmas!
31-35, M
Cus you are pretty and stuff..merry Christmas
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!!! :D And a Happy New Year!!! :D
41-45, M
Merry Christmas Friend
Happy Christmas my Nemesis! :)
Merry christmas lobster buddy :)
Choclit since it's christmas.
An early Merry Christmas to you and maybe think spring with the flowers, Meow :) 🤗🌷
41-45, M
Thanks Dumpster & heres a Gift For You too
31-35, M
I heard you love walruses.
thank you Meow :)
Wanna wallow around with in the hot tub me?
36-40, M
The pizza's a little cold, but it's still pizza!

Chow down! I'm sure the other guests will arrive, they're probably just too cool to be punctual.
36-40, M
No can do... But here's a pinecone instead.

Mmm... Piney and delicious!
36-40, M
Your very own poo man factory!

Aww look, he's all pooped out. XD
You've always been a good friend to me and I've always appreciated your company. Sometimes I haven't always been the best to you and I apologize, know you mean the world to me. 😽🤗
36-40, M
Here lies Corn.
36-40, M
Your potato is making me paranoid, watching me with its eyes.

I swear, this corn is not a spy.
36-40, M
I bestow upon you, the nectar of the Canadian gods... Canadian Jesus would have been granted this by the 3 wise men, had they been North American.
It was the cheapest one i could find. No need to thank me.
because you're cool like that 😏😊
Take you out for a steak and drinks, I might have to cut the meat for you though. No knives for you, if I remember right you might get stabby :)
This one always reminds me of you, so cute. Always here for you my friend. 🤗🖤
I’m here if you need a chat though seriously always.
31-35, M
Nope...not many can match with your prettiness :)
31-35, M
My cat says hi