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BrokenAbyss Best Comment
I know what you mean. Once someone lets their anger out on me a few times without understanding they’re doing it or wanting to change, I’m done.
@BrokenAbyss You can forgive them but you can never forget nor can you trust them again. It’s fact
@SW-User Truth, you can only trust they’ll do it again.
Thank you for BC
Thank you for BC
@BrokenAbyss You’re welcome. You deserve it because you’re 100% right.
As soon as someone starts projecting on me, either anger or some form of their own insecurity as if somehow I am responsible for their wellbeing, I close up on them. They need to figure out their own issues.
As soon as someone starts projecting on me, either anger or some form of their own insecurity as if somehow I am responsible for their wellbeing, I close up on them. They need to figure out their own issues.
@SW-User That’s only common sense. I’ve been told to forgive them and act like it didn’t happen which really confused me. How can you forget the viciousness that was thrown at you for no good reason? People tend to tell us what to do when they wouldn’t do the same when dealing with our issues. It’s all hypocrisy. Anyway, I’ve had two females here that projected their spite against me and I did nothing to deserve it. One lady I didn’t even know and the other I was constantly praising and being a friend yet she showed no mercy turning against me and saying hurtful things.
Bang5luts · M
Ok ay. 😔 and my name isn't Charlie..
Bang5luts · M
Ok ay already I said I was sorry.. ffs
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I agree with you. You don’t deserve that, no one does.