MorganaMoonstone · F
Do not let evilness turn you into a victim. Whatever brought you down, forget it, rise up and move on. Don't forget, you're a warrior and should never let anything nor anyone claim victory over you, you must conquer it all and come out the winner.

@MorganaMoonstone I wish it was so easy but I'm trying
MorganaMoonstone · F
@SW-User It's good that you're trying, that is a positive thing. Nothing is easy in life and what's hard is the road ahead unless you equip yourself with knowledge, strength and confidence. Don't let the past define you, you're young and still have a long life ahead, learn from mistakes and dream and work hard for your future, you'll make it, you'll see 😊🙏

@MorganaMoonstone thank you I'll keep pushing on
Adstar · 56-60, M
Forgive yourself and start each day anew.. And resist being manipulated by others.. Maybe you are too focused on trying to please other people?
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@Adstar yeah but it's hard when everyone at school knows what happened and bring it up
Adstar · 56-60, M
@SW-User Yes it is hard.. Life can get really hard sometimes.. But you don't want to add another hard time to the one you got to deal with now.. If your still going to school then i would finish school and maybe if you get to go to college then you can try and go to a college in another area of your nation.. Not sure what country you live in?
You might be fortunate and in a few months people will get bored and move onto someone else mishap or problem.. Hope the heat does not last too long for you..
You might be fortunate and in a few months people will get bored and move onto someone else mishap or problem.. Hope the heat does not last too long for you..

@Adstar I really hope they do

Never let others put you down if it gets too bad talk to someone you can trust

Stop whining

@SW-User I'll shut up

@SW-User I'm sorry

@SW-User compassionate much 🙄