You don't even need those special biscuits.. Any cookie or cracker (with baking soda) will do.. It's the baking soda in them that settles your stomach..
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Makes 'em easier to dunk by fitting the mug more readily. Either that or Morrison's van drivers are especially bad at observing speed-humps.
@ArishMell I just don't like it when they're all soggy. Good point about the Morrison's drivers - hadn't thought about that. I'll have to go to Asda and check they condition of their biscuits...
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Oh, yes, Digestives and Rich-tea Biscuits, irrespective of make, both have poor in-tea survivability!
Oh, yes, Digestives and Rich-tea Biscuits, irrespective of make, both have poor in-tea survivability!