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I hate when it's assumed I'm a bad mother because of my past and present. You don't know me so don't pass judgment

I work in adult entertainment and have for a very long time. I also used to wait tables but the money wasn't as good. I hate when people find out about my work or what I used to do and attack me for it. Oh you must be dumb or you must be a bad mother. Your kid must be ashamed of you. I bet you don't know who the childs father is. Blah blah blah I've heard it all. I do know who my sons father is. I actually did date him he wasn't a one night stand. I take great care of him. He never goes hungry, he always has something to wear that's clean and in good shape. He has a place to live. He always has a Christmas and a birthday present and he doesn't lack anything he needs. For being a single mom i think I've done a great job.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I never judge anyone solely on what they do. I have had friends that were both dancers and outright prostitutes, both types had kids. Not by me, nor at their own homes of course. Even known a porn star once. Not that I ever knew her as a friend or do anything with her. Though I did grieve for her when she miscarried. A close acquaintance let's say.

They were all good people and or good parents.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
You are doing a fantastic job raising him. Idc what you do for a living...you are doing what you have to do to make ends meet and take care of the 2 of you.
awhitedot · 46-50, M
People are often very close minded and judgmental.
Yungj87 · 36-40, M
So how come you two aren’t together?
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Sounds like you do well
Fuck them... Just turn the other cheek and keep doing what makes you and your son happy.

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