What do you guys think will improve SW?For me, I think a lot more people would do it. As a platform, this site does its job. It posts, creates a solid feed, block, add, private messaging, gifts, heck there is so much And the admins actually are nice, as much as I love giving them a... See More »
Ok guys, so I'm gonna try the protein only diet, I'll try to get grainsAnd fiber as suggested on my previous post thanks for that, however other than that, I'll just be drinking protein shakes for 5 to 7 days, depending on how much I can tolerate it, I'll post the results and give updates on how I'm feeling, y'know,... See More »
Anxieties should never be the reason for violence, but for honest conversation!Life is far too short to think you have to be horrible in order for someone to notice you! They won't except to fill in a police report! Being violent in thought, speech or deed is the mark of a coward who cannot be honest enough to be ready to bare... See More »
Why do they do thatMy biological dad abused my mom physically and emotionally when they were together. I was too young to remember it vividly but I have slight memories of my parents fight and hearing bangs against the wall and screaming but it’s not very clear. None o... See More »
Is fir ghránna fir fhoréigneacha!Is fir ghránna fir fhoréigneacha! Is fir ghránna fir fhoréigneacha! Má bhraitheann fear go gcaithfidh sé a dhifríocht fhisiciúil a úsáid chun dul i bhfeidhm ar phlé léirítear nár cheart duit a bheith ag plé aon rud leis ar an gcéad dul síos, agus... See More »
I Hate Guys Who Hit WomenA few years ago while I was in college, I remember reading a sign that said "Real men don't hit women". And I found that kind of odd for a couple of reasons: - Is this the best argument that's given for not hitting a woman? You aren't being a "real"... See More »