Serenitree · F
My phone was a gift from my daughter, when she upgraded, she gave me her iPhone. If she hadn't, I wouldn't even have a cell phone.
Muddyboggy · 70-79, M
Oh yes, the love is more important than anything else including all the electronic gadgets they give us
Muddyboggy · 70-79, M
It truly does especially when you're ignored while responding to their text
Muddyboggy · 70-79, M
That's why I got a new phone with a large keyboard 😁
Yeah makes one wonder and question 🤕
Serenitree · F
Yup. And let's not forget the love. I could do without the cell phone and her old iPad, but I couldn't do without the love.
Muddyboggy · 70-79, M
Serenitree, I enjoy talking on the phone but there are times when texting is so much easier
Serenitree · F
Really? I so rarely text, I have no expectations. I prefer talking to people.
Muddyboggy · 70-79, M
Ahhh the life of us seniors haha. We all get our children's castoffs don't we?
Amiami · 18-21, F
Serenitree · F
Muddy, not for me. The touch screen on my phone is so tiny. I hate texting.