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Texts Unanswered but Read

I think it's annoying when you text a person and it shows on your end DELIVERED and then READ on their end but they don't answer you. I feel that's rude. Especially when this person is supposed to be a friend. But you know, that's how miserable people act because they want to get a negative response from you. But guess what? Next time they call me I won't be answering their calls. I just expressed myself to this person a few days ago in whom I have been knowing for over 20 yrs that if there was anything she needed to talk about, she has a friend in me. She said Thankyou, but sadly it gets me nowhere trying to be a friend to a person who obviously could care less. Lesson: If you don't want someone to know you've read their texts, go to your chat settings and turn it off. I know now where I stand in her book
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HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
They could be depressed or going through something. Friends come and go anyway. Life is always changing and sometimes you have to split ways with some people due to changing interests, circumstances, maturity difference, etc. You can always reconnect in the future too or not. It’s really up to you and her.
BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
@HermannFegelein I understand what you are saying and it makes sense. But we just talked days before. It doesn't take much to say thanks. With phones now you can just push an auto answer without manually typing it in.
KainAbel1 · 46-50, M
@HermannFegelein Women always assume 0the worst. And try to blame when they are not the same as the old them. Or trying to make an excuse to bail
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
@BeautifulLibra but why would you want a bot responding to you? This is precisely why I prefer phone calls over texts. My dad often texts me at some of the most inconvenient times where I can’t really reply. Often I’ll take a quick glance just to see what’s up but I won’t reply until my meeting is over, until I’m on my break, until I stop driving, etc. the list goes on. It can be anything. I want to know what someone is saying to me so why would I want an automated response system responding to my texts? Another thing is that I would much rather call because you can hear someone’s tone of voice and it’s just better all around for communication. But I guess in this day and age everyone has forgotten how to do something as simple as talking on the phone.
so sorry to see that happened. Do you think it was intentional or just her being careless about her friendship with you?
BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
@nightowl99 I feel it was being careless. No responses to my texts hurts my feelings. I have spoken to her since then though so we're okay.
Lilnonames · F
I just dont even look at them if i dont feel like answering

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