Texts Unanswered but Read
I think it's annoying when you text a person and it shows on your end DELIVERED and then READ on their end but they don't answer you. I feel that's rude. Especially when this person is supposed to be a friend. But you know, that's how miserable people act because they want to get a negative response from you. But guess what? Next time they call me I won't be answering their calls. I just expressed myself to this person a few days ago in whom I have been knowing for over 20 yrs that if there was anything she needed to talk about, she has a friend in me. She said Thankyou, but sadly it gets me nowhere trying to be a friend to a person who obviously could care less. Lesson: If you don't want someone to know you've read their texts, go to your chat settings and turn it off. I know now where I stand in her book