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frequentlyme · 70-79, M
I sometimes treat a text like I would a phone call... ignore and act as if it went to voicemail.
Do they eventually get back to you? Sometimes people are just really busy and can't drop whatever they're doing just to text someone.
Bruh222 · 26-30, M
@SW-User then why read it? Idk it makes me paranoid. I never start conversations so it just confuses me when people start talking to me and then don’t reply.
@Bruh222 Since I don't know what your conversations are about, it's hard to say why.
For me, sometimes I don't read a text for a while because I'm in the middle of something or I've forgotten my phone in another place. Or, I'll read the text but it takes me a few hours or even a day to get back to someone because I don't think they're looking for an immediate response and I'm busy. If I text someone a question, and they get back to me, I believe the immediate conversation is over. Idk, if someone doesn't get back to me immediately, I don't take it personally. I recognize that we all have lives and are doing various things. I will admit, there are many times I just forget to respond.
For me, sometimes I don't read a text for a while because I'm in the middle of something or I've forgotten my phone in another place. Or, I'll read the text but it takes me a few hours or even a day to get back to someone because I don't think they're looking for an immediate response and I'm busy. If I text someone a question, and they get back to me, I believe the immediate conversation is over. Idk, if someone doesn't get back to me immediately, I don't take it personally. I recognize that we all have lives and are doing various things. I will admit, there are many times I just forget to respond.
Being "left on the road" is a good wake up call in my view.