AJstone · 26-30, M
I feel like "normal" people don't see a kid struggling with aspergers. I feel like they see a weird kid who's mom never taught them how to act, dress or behave. Well at lest for myself. When kids make fun of me I try to tell them I have aspergers and they say "fake autism?". But I know you would never judge me like the same with me. Me you and you brother are very amazing in a lot of ways. Like how we are all good with numbers.
brunoandsammy · C
Yes I think we do, or atleast where the other is coming from.
AJstone · 26-30, M
I'm glad we are all friends, we get eachother
brunoandsammy · C
We havent heard it called fake autism, round here they are so thick they havent even heard of autism, probly think it is something to do with cars. We are just seen as mental, or freaks.