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I Am Who I Am And I Am Judged For It

So it doesn't happen often but a few times folks have said that I am not a Marine. This was years ago but here is a picture of me in my dress blues for those who have issue with believing that someone on here could be exactly what they say.

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LadyWioness · 56-60, F
Thank you for your service.
Serenitree · F
That lets me out. I take everyone at face value, until or unless they say or do something that changes my mind.

Thank you for serving. I'm glad you made out alive.

Mar. 17/17
9:46 pm
Raffie · 61-69, F
Thank you for your is in short supply in the world today!
twistermind · 51-55, F
I don't understand why they don't believe you. Most part of people I know online from the US, they all have or had something to do with the army or the navy. Perhaps, it's only a calsualty.
That or they like to lie about the same. :-)
twistermind · 51-55, F
@USMCGUY: Sounds reasonable.
Surely, you would hate me because I'm a pacifist but still prefer the weapons in professional hands than there spread in the population.
But, I don't want to change your post topic. :-)
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
@twistermind: Actually I am such a big teddy you would not believe it. I practiced Aikido from a very young age. It is entirely defensive. Not aggressive in any way. I have played many martial arts throughout the years and on of the things that it took me years of study to truly understand is why I train to fight.

Its so I never have to. In practice you learn about how to deal with attacks. Eventually you become so proficient that you are fairly capable. Eventually you respect human life to where you hope never to have to take it. If you are a true martial artist, you will identify ways to stop a fight even before it starts. If you can bring your opponent to see things from your perspective and you see from theirs there is nothing for them to attack.

If I make my enemy my friend, do I not destroy my enemy?
twistermind · 51-55, F
@USMCGUY: lol! Your enemy is past story.
It's great! And it takes discipline and control. Many times, people fail in controling themselves and are able to do terrible things that they regret then.
Thank you for your service and you look very handsome sir..:)
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
You are very kind. That you for the compliment.
Thank you for serving our country.
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
Thank you@AUTHENTIC:
Great photo!
I never figured you'd identify as such here if it wasn't so. Very handsome photo.
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
Thank you Bijouxbroussard. I appreciate the compliment. I hope you have been well.
@USMCGUY: I have, thank you. Hope you have as well.

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