tigershirt · 36-40, M
Why is financial success and material markers the sign of identity and freedom in today's world? Pretty twisted.
terarohana · 26-30, F
i dont know what to say.. but i get your point..
maybe it is diferent things but they re connoected somehow,,, :)
maybe it is diferent things but they re connoected somehow,,, :)
tigershirt · 36-40, M
@terarohana: K well what I think is this, basically:
1. Instead of being defined by family, religion, shared history like before the world is more and more defined by money and global trade.
2. Half the world is too strict and marginalizes women, stripping them of power, so they see money and materialistic success as a way out of that disempowerment. They don't wanna be how they are, but don't realize the good life they think other women have is a trap.
3. The other half of the world has ruined masculinity and told women they have to be like men and chase money to be successful so they get more and more unhappy while brainwashed more and more that the money cult makes them a strong woman or independent (as if that's necessarily a good thing). They don't wanna be how they are really, but the men suck since they're no longer men, and the women know they don't wanna be marginalized like some places.
Conclusion? Things are pretty fucked up.
1. Instead of being defined by family, religion, shared history like before the world is more and more defined by money and global trade.
2. Half the world is too strict and marginalizes women, stripping them of power, so they see money and materialistic success as a way out of that disempowerment. They don't wanna be how they are, but don't realize the good life they think other women have is a trap.
3. The other half of the world has ruined masculinity and told women they have to be like men and chase money to be successful so they get more and more unhappy while brainwashed more and more that the money cult makes them a strong woman or independent (as if that's necessarily a good thing). They don't wanna be how they are really, but the men suck since they're no longer men, and the women know they don't wanna be marginalized like some places.
Conclusion? Things are pretty fucked up.
Malchya · M
I would be angry in your place as well! You can be anything you are willing to work hard enough to be, and your plumbing doesn't bloody matter.
terarohana · 26-30, F
Yes thank you. I will...

I feel you :0
updown2020 · 61-69, M
What you thinks that?
terarohana · 26-30, F
Because i live in java island indonesia... people think women cant do much...
updown2020 · 61-69, M
@terarohana: Well prove them wrong,
UnderTheBridge · 51-55, M
I didn't think things in Indonesia is that bad?
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
That has nothing to even do with if you can be financially independent or not. It's dumb that some people even think that.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
those idiots.