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Do you have any particularly annoying neighbours?

I have a few, one in particular is the brother of the highly annoying and unfunny "Brendan O'Carroll" of Mrs Brown's boys fame. (I think I laughed at one of his jokes back in the early 90s

His brother looks exactly like him but has grey hair and no moustache,..

Everyday for the last 20 years he walks around the estate trying to be best friends to everyone, Mr nosey neighbour,🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 when he says anything to anybody the whole entire street know he's talking, he's so loud it's bizarre really
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
The asshat next door lets branches overgrow on his trees and wild trees to come up to the fence and affect the fence. He won’t trim anything and storms have broken branches that end up on my side of the yard. I have to get up on a ladder and trim overhanging branches so they don’t reach the roof of my house. He’s had his roof replaced due to his tree branches growing into it. And now more of the same but I’m not telling him….a guy with 3 extension ladders laying next to his house but he won’t check the roof. The only reason he has that house is because his parents died and left it to him. They took good care of the yard, the trees and their property.
cycleman · 61-69, M
Bottle/can grabbers who purge through others and then they bring it home and they divide it all in their garage so they take it to the dump themselves. They'll do this after midnight and usually thursday nights
Yup and thank god I have a back door for sneaking out 😂. Sometimes when I come home and no one’s around I’ll even hide my auto in the garage for a week .
The other day a couple of them asked if I was away on holiday a lot
@SW-User lmao, that's funny
It’s all true to. 😂. I love messing with them 😉@SW-User
Mostly just nosey neighbours want to know everyone’s business and insist on trying to tell me street gossip that I have no interest in
@SW-User that's annoying
@SW-User yep, the joys of being surrounded by little old biddies
Elessar · 26-30, M
I've kinda got desensitized to it, but I share one wall with someone who yells at the phone at 6am, sings, comes back home high as a kite at 3am and rings every doorbell before finding his own
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
I was really lucky with neighbors and flatmates.
I only had one neighbor that was a bit obsessed with me for some unknown reason, but it was some year ago.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
The description feels like Greaser Boys (Irish gangster) from Mafia 2. I don't have any annoying neighbours that I know of.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
They smoke some exceptionally disgusting stuff. It smells like a dirty ashtray that wasn't cleaned for months.
Green hair across the road. She doesn't have green hair any more, but we still call her that.
Only ones that talk to me
ElRengo · 70-79, M
I live across from a cafe and deli. On Fridays and Saturdays
there are sometimes live bands at the cafe, until about 10:30 pm. Sometimes I’m down for that, other times (if I can’t hear my TV and I’m watching something) it’s kind of a nuisance.
@bijouxbroussard yes, that's a kind of thing I'd also love and sometimes be annoyed with
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
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Try having German neighbours lol they are just self interested.
I've told you about the moron next door?
@InOtterWords yes, he's horrible 😩
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