Do you ever look up so much information that you start knowing too much and it actually interferes with people?
My aunt (an educated psychiatrist who went to school for 12 years) let it known that she thought my freeze dried meals were unhealthy by making a passive aggressive remark about my whole foods meals. She doesn't believe that freeze dried food retain their nutritional value. I tried telling her that it's nutritionally the same and she tried telling me that was only my opinion. Then I said that it's not, it's been tested by the scientific community and found that it retained 97% of its nutrients. She said it was only an opinion, meanwhile she told me that supermarket food was fresh while I told her it's likely been sitting there months losing nutritional content and the soil that's degrading actually significantly lowers it even further.
Then, I told her that if she just dislikes me enough to say passive aggressive comments like that underhandly, she could just tell me straight up, I told her that I'd respect her a bit more if she was just straight up. Then she told me that I was the one being passive aggressive even though she started it. She said that "she loves me" and she can have an opinion over freeze dried food and that has no ties to my character even though she totally aimed it at me.
This isn't the point though, the main point is.. I am well aware that I know more than even someone with a Harvard or whatever uppity liberal degree she has and even someone who went to school for 12 years. You may think I'm bragging but at the same time, it has its downsides and that's one of them. I find that the more I know, the less I'm able to get along with people because most of them don't want to be corrected, they just want to be right in their own heads and don't care about anyone else except themselves. They just want to like what they like and any chance to bring a person down they will hyper judge someone out of their own ignorance of certain subject matter.
You can't school these people, just have to grit through the temporary stupidity (I say temporary because people can be dumb in some subjects while knowledgeable in others) and nod your head.
Then, I told her that if she just dislikes me enough to say passive aggressive comments like that underhandly, she could just tell me straight up, I told her that I'd respect her a bit more if she was just straight up. Then she told me that I was the one being passive aggressive even though she started it. She said that "she loves me" and she can have an opinion over freeze dried food and that has no ties to my character even though she totally aimed it at me.
This isn't the point though, the main point is.. I am well aware that I know more than even someone with a Harvard or whatever uppity liberal degree she has and even someone who went to school for 12 years. You may think I'm bragging but at the same time, it has its downsides and that's one of them. I find that the more I know, the less I'm able to get along with people because most of them don't want to be corrected, they just want to be right in their own heads and don't care about anyone else except themselves. They just want to like what they like and any chance to bring a person down they will hyper judge someone out of their own ignorance of certain subject matter.
You can't school these people, just have to grit through the temporary stupidity (I say temporary because people can be dumb in some subjects while knowledgeable in others) and nod your head.