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AstroZombie · 36-40, M
Kinda sorta. When I first listened to Turn The Page by Blind Guardian I used to think it was a really fast paced song, then later on it suddenly felt like it was performed at a slower tempo then I though. O__o
Ashly · 26-30, F
@AstroZombie it’s weird how somethings you do everyday and all of a sudden you notice somethings off
I listed to music today and it sounded normal speed 🤔
AstroZombie · 36-40, M
@Ashly Indeed so! And hopefully the sickness goes away soon too.

Do you dissociate at all???

Everything bends and shifts for me when I rapidly enter dissociative states because I feel threatened by someone or something in my environment.

The reason why I ask is because it can also happen more easily when I am sick - and sounds can either be muted to me or faster or slower than in reality.

I've had times when I was snapped out of a dissociative state and I was aware that my mouth was open - but not that I was screaming.

The teacher had warned us that there were people huffing glue on the other side of the gym wall and that they might break some windows - when they did, it was enough to cause me to dissociate and scream from the shock of it actually happening. It wasn't until he spoke to me and I had to stop screaming to answer him that I knew that I was screaming.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@HootyTheNightOwl I’m aware of where I’m at and everything, it’s just that it sounded too slow, the lyrics, beats, everything. Maybe I found a glitch in the matrix? 😂
Woah 😱 crazy story, I nowhere near that bad 😅
@Ashly I've been aware enough to describe to my mother exactly what happens as I dissociated (obviously after the fact) because I was walking side by side with my "dad" (Physically abusive) through a hospital. I told her what I felt and what I saw - but she didn't recognise the fact that I was dissociating since I'm not allowed to be anything worse than depressed or she would disown me for being a "psycho". In my experience, it doesn't wipe your memory every time.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Hmm, that's odd. Have you taken any medication for the sickness that might be causing it?

Sorry you're not feeling well, this time of year sucks for that. :(
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@Ashly ØⱤ ł₴ ł₮?

Ashly · 26-30, F

I couldn’t hear what you said I was going HAM on the 134 🛣️
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M

JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Get well soon buddy🫂

Semi related:
Have you ever listened to Careless Whisper at 1.5 speed?👀
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@Ashly Thank you sweet pea
You’re always very kind 🫂
Ashly · 26-30, F
@JRVanguard I try to be 😅
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@Ashly You do a great job🤗
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
Everything is dreary when you are sick but, I've only noticed that (music sounding slower) when I listen to the same song on repeat for hours.
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@Ashly Hmmm. Only virtual kisses for you tomorrow then...☹️
Ashly · 26-30, F
@TakeCare87 haha you’re right I forgot about Valentine’s Day 😂 Well I’m single so it doesn’t really matter 🙃
TakeCare87 · 36-40, M
@Ashly well I was hoping you'd be my valentine... It's not creepy at all, my real age is 36
🤗 feel better. Get plenty of fluids. And possibly your head/ears/sinuses are feeling stuffed up and it is causing possibly it to seem that way?
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Bexsy I will thank you ♥️
That might be it, I’m a mess right now 🤧
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I`m late with this, but yes, it`s you. 😬
Degbeme · 70-79, M
it`s okay, go back to sleep.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Degbeme I should
I’ll most likely be sick still tomorrow 😔
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Ashly Yes you should, because I said so.
Hope you feel better soon. 😕
Ashly · 26-30, F
@mindstruggle thank you 🥹
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Good cough medicine? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Livingwell I need some good stuff atm 🤧
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Listen faster
Ashly · 26-30, F
@TheRascallyOne you’re fight, maybe if I play it at a faster rate it would balance out?
Let me try it
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Awww I hope you feel better soon
Ashly · 26-30, F
@iamonfire696 thank you 🤒 I’ve been getting sick often recently
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Ashly I’m sorry, that sucks

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