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Didney · 26-30, F
bit of an update, saw a doctor on Friday and i've been taking the medicine's he recommended, feeling a lot better but still not back to 100% yet.
OggggO · 36-40, M
@Didney Glad to hear you are recovering.

I hope you get better soon. If you're not allergic to any of it, try ginger tea with honey for the throat. Both are good for that sort of thing. Even just honey and warm water mixture will help.
Disturbed12 · 26-30, M
I had this condition this whole week (now better). The sore throat is the most annoying thing ever! 😖
Rocknrod · 61-69, M
Did you see a doctor? Cause you should.
OggggO · 36-40, M
Sounds awful, I hope you get well soon.
Rocknrod · 61-69, M
🤗 I hope you get well soon.
Goralski · 51-55, M
Sucks ta b you:(

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