@Bklynbadboy12 be in awe of creation... The woods, the twitter if a bird in the early morning light... The sounds of bugs making noise in the warm summer night, the noise if a waterfall as it comes crashing to the rocks below, the rough ocean waves as a storm further south lashes at the shore...
@1pebbles Yes but I'm used to that that's what I see every day I want nature that natural beauty when the landscape is untouched that's what stands out to me now
@Bklynbadboy12 the city that doesn't sleep.... Many times to NYC in my lifetime! 95 going right thru... Seeing the Manhattan skyline from across the harbor in NJ
@Bklynbadboy12 you can see the beauty of humanity... The baby as it's mother is holding it on her shoulder , smiling, children playing in the street, the beauty of a tree as it grows and struggles for sunlight on the sidewalk, a blade of grass pushing through the crack in the walk. Flower boxes hanging from windows, their bright colours... The colours of the fruit and flowers at a side walk shop....