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Do you really think online dating works out?

Or is it just an illusion of happiness and love?
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Ravenna · 26-30, F
Isn't that true? Like yeaaaaah. Since you answered first I'm giving you the best answer! ^_^
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it can work, only when both parties are completely genuine. Good luck with that
plungesponge · 41-45, M
It's getting more and more legitimate. And all dating is basically an illusion of happiness. The real test is when you go through shit with your partner.
I think it's rare.
juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
If you're willing to masturbate via Skype or video calls , yes
People forget online is a good place to talk about stuff they normally wouldn't. This may result in forming a strong bond. Good question though
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juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
Is it 2 or is it 4? Or maybe 24?
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juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
Lol @AlanPartridge:
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Ravenna · 26-30, F
That's all that matters. @TheTinMan:
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Ravenna · 26-30, F
Yeah I am! Thank you ^_^
In some rare cases it works out till it gets something real, but most times it's just a poor surrogate for the real thing.
dale74 · M
Yes and no I met someone online I really loved and wanted to marry but I was going away to school and did not think it would be fair for her not to be able to go out and date while I was away working on my master's degree I had no intentions at all of dating anyone and I didn't date anyone but when I came back she couldn't forgive me for breaking up with her while I went away to school
Ravenna · 26-30, F
WOW that's amazing!
It does then it won't.
It depends on the people. Any relationship can work if both are genuine and puts effort to make it work.
Online dating is for married men and desperate single moms. Everyone else gets stiffed.
M3JollyMiles · 31-35, M
It all depends on the fact if both really love, respect and trust each other!...☺👍
ShakenNotStirred · 41-45, M
🤦 Oh what a question.. I need a drink for this one 🥃
Madelenie · 26-30, F
Yes it is working, at least for me
bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡-)/<3
Only if they don't need sex
Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
8 years married so far so good
caesar7 · 61-69, M
It does. It did for me once.

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