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The old way of dating before the existence of dating apps was always more successful than dating apps have ever been

Elessar · 26-30, M
It's subjective
Kidsarentalright · 26-30, M
@Elessar the boomers and gen x had more success with dating then using dating apps have ever been
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Kidsarentalright Yeah but it was a different "market" then. It's like going to work with a horse in the traffic instead of using a car because that's how it's always been done, you technically still can, but it's not the most efficient nor convenient way
No that's not true at all.

When Tinder first came out (back before you weren't even allowed to get out of your house without permission from your parents) it made things way way way easier

I got laid so many times with that app and others. Things changed when too many people went on it.

Online dating didn't suck until maybe around 2015. Guys still got cricket chirps for responses but the odds were much better.
SaorUladh · 26-30, M
For many people it still is the way.
I don't know about successful, but it was less scary. My experiences with online dating were scary. When I was young and dating, it was your neighbor or a friend of a friend, someone you knew wouldn't kill you. Online dating is fast and inaccurate and scary.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Right! Both arranged marriages and shotgun marriages! While making it impossible to divorce. 🤷🏻‍♂

Why we have marriages still today by law.

Better to outlaw government from enforcing marriages. And eliminate the marriage tax deductions.
My friend met her husband on a dating app but i think he's secretly a saudi spy
666Maggotz · F
It makes dating easier for lesbians 🤷‍♀
Doomflower · 41-45, M
How would you know? 😆

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