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Weird or not? Dating

I met a guy on a coffee single event yesterday and today we talked and he told me he’s going to the movie and lunch with his friend this upcoming weekend and happens to be a girl and he said his friend ask him to bring me along wit them which I think is weird. He told me he brought me up to her since meeting him for the first time yesterday. I told him I don’t feel comfortable going on a date with him and his friend. He said she will be disappointed probably but he understands me. He said she might want a picture of me lol which is weird too.

lol is it strange or it’s just me??? lol I told him I would prefer to meet him go on a date with just him and me one on one and he said he understands, lol I dunno I think it was just weird for me that his friend wants to meet me.
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On like a 2nd date? Its kinda weird. It wouldnt be that deep if it was later in the relationship
JaneCas · 26-30, F
@TeamSkullGrunt no it would actually be considered our first date bed use I just met him yesterday at a singles coffee speed dating lol.
@JaneCas Idk. I think people being friends with the opposite sex is a green flag, thats my hot take. I think its cute if my bfs friends want to meet me. But not right off the bat 😬
JaneCas · 26-30, F
@TeamSkullGrunt yes I think so so and I am fine with meeting his friends at some point if things go well but not a first date lmao lol that just puts a lot of pressure one me.
Maybe she's a good friend and is protective of him, wants to check you out and give (or withhold) her blessing...
JaneCas · 26-30, F
We talked on phone btw today for like 30 minutes is when he mentioned about this upcoming weekend
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
I know this scene well. My x gf had a strong desire to have sex with another female, but she was too shy to do it, so she asked for my help. She wanted me to date someone, and then include her.

If you are interested in this other girl then great, you have an opening.
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JaneCas · 26-30, F
@Dignaga but lol it would be our first official date so I think it’s weird to bring me to tag along on a first date
@JaneCas Tell him exactly that. And expect to meet her soon. He is trying to include you in his life. That's good.
Bang5luts · M
His friend and him are probably close and she probably wants to probe to size you up?
JaneCas · 26-30, F
@Bang5luts what’s probe to size me up mean?
Bang5luts · M
@JaneCas trying to get information from you to see how you compare to her type of deal. Idk, I'm a guy and it's been my experience in similar situations with past female friends doing the same thing

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