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I am unable to conduct a healthy relationship if i dont sacrifice my sanity over it, i need to have people telling me their thoughts even if i don't s

As the title says

I am a person without any problem that could stop me from getting close to people, in fact, im a pretty popular person. However, i constantly reject people, and especially women, no matter how happy they could make me, i can't trust women at all because of my weird vision of the world

I won't speak about jealousy or insecurities because it leads to nowhere, ill get straight to the point

No matter what happens, i'm not happy, i can't be, i have to force myself to be "normal" around my loved one so they can be happy, however, it kills me from inside

I think my unconventional vision of the world is accentuated by overthinking, we'll got down to an explanation about one of the many subjects hurting me and then the reasons behind it

Fantasies, everybody has them, they're natural, correct ?

Well l can't stand it, i can't stand the idea of my girlfriend having fantasies while with me, it basically means that i am a source of regrets, that i am restraining her from experimenting, no matter how "a fantasy is just a fantasy", it means that i am a roadblock, and the worst are the fantasies i wouldn't even be able to satisfy

1 in 3 women fantasizes about group sex, i am not a group, while with me my girlfriend could always have that lingering desire of experimenting

As internet, the porn industry and social media showed, fantasying about black men (absolutely nothing mean toward black people just to be clear, we're all equal and racism shouldn't be justified by any means) has become more frequent. I am not black, this is not a fantasy i could provide, so once again, my girlfriend could always have that lingering desire to experiment but being "blocked" by me

And i can't stop thinking about it, i can't be happy knowing that deep down my girlfriend has desires that she has to sacrifice for me. And i know that it's "normal" and that everyone lives like that and accept it, but i just cant, i am totally unable to

Those we're 2 examples of the most unusual problem of that whole mess, but as you could probably guess i am also a really jealous person with bunch of other problems and i can't be happy while in a relationship

Sorry if it's messy to read, or doesn't make any sense, i hope to get answers from any of you, i've been feeling this urge to share my suffering and the one i cause to some of these poor girls i heartbroke because i couldn't be able to accept the way the world works, have a nice day
Samek · 36-40, M
Maybe relationships are right for you at this period of your life, brother. :(

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