Christ, that's not very nice katie!
Different people like different things - and like to date different people.
Everyone is someone's type - some guys (and girls) will love dating people over 600lbs. Not the majority certainly, but some.
And that's great - everyone has a chance at happiness.
I don't understand where all this moralising is coming from - she asked if she was too fat to date, not if she was too fat to be allowed to exist! Jeez, there's no such thing as 2nd-hand fatness. Any health issues her weight causes her only affect her. Unless she's stealing your food at knifepoint, it's not anyone else's business how much she eats or what she weighs!
As long as Fatalice isn't hurting anyone else (and she sounds very nice in not rising to the bait when taunted on here) then I hope she goes with this new relationship if it makes her happy :)