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I don’t know if I should just stop talking to him

This guy I was talking to invited me over last night to hang out with his family, it was 8pm and he called me to come later. I was already not liking the fact it was super late . At 11pm I went to bed because he didn’t call or say anything, I woke up to a text that just said hey. I was going to give it another try with him but he may be confused on letting another female around him but I also don’t like the lack of effort , communication.. I was texting him and he didn’t even answer part of my text so I know he isn’t paying much attention to me’s almost he half’s reads it and answers which is weird. Also I think it’s weird he tells me he left his phone upstairs but he’s on another phone answering his sons mother calls, he even showed me when they were on FaceTime with his ex , he was showing me his daughter who couldn’t come to him for the weekend..I think his family mentioned I’m the first female after his ex , it’s sad because we were walking and he told me I shouldn’t feel alone that I have him , it’s a tricky situation but I think imma just walk away from, it’s just drama he has with the ex gf and I don’t want to get my feelings hurt.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
look at it this way
when the relationship is new the person is giving you the best they have to give and trying to make the best impression

THIS is the best he's got?
Sneakylink34 · 26-30, F
@Pretzel I will live by this!
Please don't settle for someone who makes no effort. It's never going to get better. He may be a good guy, but he might need some time to set through old junk.
Sneakylink34 · 26-30, F
@SW-User right he even told me he has a lot going on and is stressed from not working and trying to spend time with his kids , I want to understand but I will continue to live my life!
Teslin · M
You are feeling/seeing red flags.
It's OK to walk away.
But if you continue, take it slow and keep other options open.
Sneakylink34 · 26-30, F
@Teslin yes this is a good one as well thank you
Sounds like you know what you need to do. He is just not ready for a new relationship yet
Sneakylink34 · 26-30, F
@SW-User yea this is true , I guess I will keep my distance , overall he’s a great guy and it’s much more to learn from him. I’m not used to taking time in relationships or any Situation .
Nelisme · 22-25, F
Sounds like he’s keeping you as a convenience for when he can’t get what he really wants. I’d tell him good luck and goodbye.
Sneakylink34 · 26-30, F
yup and I am not settling for less!
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Sneakylink34 · 26-30, F
@Bugbittinbrain lmao right I am not used to it .. I observe though , I don’t want to get into a relationship where the person isnt really giving me 100 percent
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Thats a big red flag.
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