I don't bother anymore.
It's just you know any one of these women is highly compatible but the site feels kinda like someone pissed in their corn flakes before we even started talking and sent them a bunch of dick pics before ever even reading their profiles and now of course messages hit a proverbial black hole, or they get very short responses curt and to the point but noncommittal as hell.
i've had to outright try and carry convos on there with people and finally it just got to be too much because it's like I'm not a bad conversationalist I get random phone calls I get sucked in for 3 hours with some NGO worker at Amnesty International like I KNOW women usually come off pretty charmed when I get off the phone with them but on that stupid site it's like what the hell why is it so much harder to get people to actually engage in convo in cyberspace?
and then you realize you're basically trying too hard, and it's like fuck this. They're literally judging me because there wasn't enough of a challenge to things.
if i've learned anything about dating at this point it's like love never finds me especially when I outright seek it out.
I'm like 0 for dozens of tries on those sites and yet have been around the block
and it's like women only seem to get interested when I'm out having fun marching to the beat of my own drum, like playing FFXI.
The girls who play in our linkshells are so like sexually suggestive on those discord calls too, it's like the opportunity is always literally RIGHT THERE if I want to take it.
women have their GUARDS WAY TOO high the fuck up on dating sites, so it's like yeah no.
What I mean is just that when you take the direct path it tends to push them away. so you have to kinda take a winding one towards them.