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night bike rides

Anybody else into night biking? I biked today so probably will not tonight. But anybody else do them? road bike or hybrid?

I got a 26 inch hybrid and a 28 inch hybrid. I split time between them . Road biking isn't an option in Jersey-not safe enough--stupid state doesn't believe in night lamps on roads. Although buddy I talked to my trail ride today gave me a maybe for a road bike. May have to drive it once at night and see what it feels like first.

I am going to do pilates for a night work tonight out in lew of biking.
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I had no idea this is a thing.

But yeah, I have been the crazy person at night biking
with my very bright front light and my back red light flashing.

It's nice but being a woman it's scary too.

I am 'mad',

but TBH, I love the night, it's MY time.. .. The serenity. It is a different world.

My Lady is a Hybrid.
@robertsnj I am in the Central time, how about you?

I need that separate peace bc urban living is insane.

trail bike at night which seems crazy to me
agreed: they can injure themselves without even trying.

I also stick to local streets, by and large.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON I live in New Jersey --I saw the writing on your profile thought you lived in Eastern Europe. nice to meet you
@robertsnj I am born there, North Eastern.

Thanks. Ditto.

Hence the 'NJ' after your name?

I used to watch Cake Boss, it was so great :D

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