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I Like Indian Culture

In My Opinion, There Is Nothing Quite Refreshing Than An Indian Movie........ I offically became knowledgable about the Indian Culture while I was studying abroad especially through Indian Movies. Since returning home I recently got the opportunity to watch various movies via youtube. I honestly love the themes portrayed in these movies. To me, what is portrayed is very refreshing and touching. I honestly appreciate the Indian Cinema and the wholesome movies that are being created. So the best movie that I have discovered is entitled , Vivah: a journey from engagement to marriage. Very romantic and heartfelt movie. Usually when I really love a movie, I can watch it over again without getting tired of it. So far, I have watched the movie twice and its still an amazing movie. ......One of these days for sure, I would love 2 visit India and view the sights and sounds!

Oh , I forgot! I would advise anyone 2 watch the movie, truly. The love displayed in the movie by the main characters is like no other !
Generally speaking I love the Indian way of life. just LOVE those movies that are pure and simple - good guys and bad guys and the good guys win. There is love and passion but no sex or suggestive scenes. I think it is fabulous when the whole village, street, office, train start to sing and dance around the stars ( wish that happened in real life).

I just love the energy and colour and excitement of it all. AND that brings me on to the Indian WOMEN, I think Indian women (form the subcontinent - NOT native Americans ) are the most feminine, beautiful, elegant, stylish, graceful, perfect women on the plant. I love their stature, their figure, their hair, their make up and bindi, their jewellery, their clothes (I LOVE sarees), everything about Indian women is to be worshiped - in fact I wish I was an Indian woman !

be safe be happy and be healthy
well as long you feel happy and enjoy it then thats ok to feel free to do it everytime you wanted to watch and its cool...
KVirtue · 36-40, F
Kewl thanks lots!!

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