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I Feel Sorry For The French People

I have got to say I feel sorry for the french people . Their army and police force must be made up of braindead automatons . God help them if they ever got invaded . Their army and police force cant even stop unarmed immigrants from leaving their beaches in rubber dinghys or even catching them at sea . Their fishermen should maybe be used instead as they seem far more organised and able to barricade ports etc and stop anything crossing the seaborder . Their own country couldnt stop them from bringing their ports to a standstill . If there ever was another war the poor french people would once again have to relly on American , British etc forces to free them from the grip of any invading forces as their own army and police are totally useless and a government so inept it cant control its own borders what a joke .
carpediem · 61-69, M
Appx 5,000,000 illegal immigrants have made their way into the US under the current incompetent Biden administration. I contend it's not the army, police, etc. It's the idiots running the government.
Sharon · F
The French don't want the immigrants/refugees there so WTF would they want to stop them leaving by any means possible? It would make morse sense the the French to give them boats so they could leave.
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Why would they want to stop illegal immigrants from leaving?
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GeniUs · 56-60, M
@Ozymandiaz Nail on the head and @Rhode57 they'll take the money while ever the UK keeps paying and will do just as effective a job either way.
@Rhode57 It seems to me you are having difficulty understanding the difference between the border force and a standing army.

You also seem to be thinking that the French should be deploying the whole French army because the British asked them to and because they are getting the massive sum of 1000s a day 😂
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Its funny how the UK border force pick up 100s of migrants in the channel but the inept french never seem to pick up any at all . I would say that makes the UK far more organised and capable than the french . Not only does this show the French government as useless but also the forces their meant to be in charge off . As I said before their obviously completely useless. Maybe they should put the fishermen and their union in government as they seem to be more organised than the french government and forces .
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Northwest · M
IKR? But I'm sure it's not a problem for the UK, for unlike the inept French, they're in total control of their borders.
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chrisCA · M
@Ferise1 As many opinions are, on social media.

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