Let's start with health care. Canadians enjoy about three more years of life expectancy than US citizens, and they achieve this at roughly HALF the cost!!
Those health care differences have economic consequences! Why would a Canadian want to share our lower life expectancy and our high rate of medical related bankruptcies???
Medical bills are reported to be the number-one cause of U.S. bankruptcies. One study has claimed that 62.1% of bankruptcies were caused by medical issues. Another claims that over two million people are adversely affected by their medical expenses.
@DanielsASJ Of course its fake. It disagrees with REAL TRUTH.......like the truth Q told you about Lizard People and porn studios in the basement of pizza parlors that had no basements. You all have lived on total lies since ur cult leader first filled you with BS every other word he's ever said. Now 12 years later you don't remember what truth is.,