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I Am Canadian

for those who are voting! be careful when filling in the ballots. there are several different places where ballots slips are pre checked for conservative party. makes me think that Harper will do anything to stay and put Canada into further recession
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Bogus story. A take off on the voter machines in the US. If you are going to make up a story at least make it believable.
Well son I never said I admired Harper and I would replace him as PM as soon as some one better comes along. Unfortunately Trudeau and Mulcair are not better and in fact are much much worse.
drrjr · 26-30, MVIP
as you avoided my question of if that's what you think what would you do if you ran for prime minister
I'm not running for PM nor would I run for PM. Personally I would love to see us return to a Classic Liberal society not the neo liberalism of a Trudeau or Mulcair. I would like to see the amount of government cut to bare bones and focused on what the BNA act enumerated. I would love to toss PET's constitution and charter in the scrap heap of history and revert to the BNA act until 'we the people' determine something better. The charter is designed to protect the government from the people and thus needs be abandoned.
The fears are gone, they are the official opposition to the Liberal majority! Somebody always needs to check and balance parties no matter who is running.
Thanks for the heads up!
drrjr · 26-30, MVIP
I almost fell for it myself

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