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Do you know Marian Anderson?

She was recognized as the world's greatest alto and performed all over the world....then she cam back 1939, opera singer Marian Anderson was denied the opportunity to perform in DAR Constitution Hall because of her race. She subsequently performed an historic concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to a crowd of 75,000 people.
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I met her. She came to our school during the celebration of what would’ve been MLK’s 50th birthday. She was very soft-spoken and spoke to us about how exhilarating, but scary, that day had been.

One reason I love Eleanor Roosevelt is the fact that she resigned her membership in the DAR because of this. It was a huge slap at that organization for a First Lady to leave them.
originnone · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard Geez, is there anything you haven't done? LOL

The DAR isn't really a bad organization imo, which is what made the action so heinous.
@originnone They proved that they were a racist organization, which was pretty bad to be. Eleanor’s open letter to them when she resigned said in part,
Mrs. Roosevelt’s resignation letter and discussion of why she wrote it published the next day in her weekly “My Day” column captured national attention. She declared that the organization had “set an example which seems to me unfortunate” and that the DAR had “an opportunity to lead in an enlightened way” but had “failed to do so.”
Delilah5 · F
Racism is archaic and played out. Too bad for racists who can never seem to catch up with the rest of the world.

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