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I Hate Racism and Discrimination

As a heads up, this was a bit of a thing I wrote after watching a video this morning.

I do not care about the color of your skin
For it shouldn't define you as a person
As long as you are you
That is all that matters
I know racism is rampant in our country
And it has been for nearly 400 years
Whites being racist against blacks
Blacks being racist against whites
And for some dumb ass reason it continues to get worse
It's argued that white people feel threatened
For the idea that minorities are becoming the majority
And you know what, it's true
Many white people do not like that
We have this privilege because of the tone of our skin
That we are higher up
But it needs to stop
Everyone makes good decisions
Everyone makes bad decisions
But if I do something and Latino does the same and we get different responses
Something isn't right
Racism will never end
It's in human nature to judge something that isn't like us
Bias will always exist in the US due to our history
We are lucky to have some people to teach us differently
But we are unlucky to have important people to affect us in an incorrect manner
What is the truth?
What is the racist lie?
People need to differentiate between the two
If a white person is asking who robbed a store and the two suspects are a black kid and a white kid, who are they more likely to pick
You know the answer
If a white kid and a Latino kid are caught doing good, who gets the credit
I'll give you the hint
The opposite of question one
But guess what
The white kid robbed the store
The Latino kid did good for the community
But our bias hides that
And it's a shame
Educating people one a topic of racism is hard because there's so much to it
No one is unbiased so it makes it difficult to tackle
Even if you say you aren't
You are
This will never end
But we need more people to understand
That everyone is unique
I am me
You are you
I am white
You are Arab
I am privileged
You are not
I am sorry
You are too
For both of us are surrounded by two racist biases
From what our ancestors did years ago
We can't throw our history away
But we need to prove others
That bad people and good people exist
But how you look shouldn't define that
That's all I need to say
Thank you for your time
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Cinnamon · 31-35, F
Good thoughts well said.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Hypocrisy is pretty rampant also.
Yaminomek · 26-30, M
That's very true also
rebelliousgal · 31-35, F
Well said 👍
Fernie · F
Blacks being racist ( I don't call it racism) against whites is all about the resentment they feel towards us for the way we have treated them and still if they were inferior because of the color of their skin...because we went to their country, murdered them, raped them, tortured them, dragged them to a different world and enslaved them. White racism against Blacks and any people of color is because whites think they are superior to everyone else on the planet. We slaughtered the Native Americans for that reason. I believe you are an accepting person but your facts are a bit skewed. There is only one race..the human race...Black is an ethnicity...not a race
Fernie · F
@Yaminomek: I've had this type of conversation re: racism with many, many people and 80% of those people get angry and defensive and hateful when I describe white arrogance towards people of color. You did not do that. Appreciate that about yourself
Yaminomek · 26-30, M
@Fernie: Well thank you very much
laotzu92 · M
@Yaminomek: You bring a great deal of sensitivity to the discussion.

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