Israhell kil*ed by the least estimates 2.5% of the Gaza population in only 4 weeks and They’r mostly children and women
To put it into perspective, Ukraine has 43 million people. 2.5% of the Ukrainian population means MORE than ONE MILLION ki*led civilians in only one month. There is a word you are looking for it’s called gen*cide.
And I didn’t even mention the mayh*m in the West Bank where there is no Hamas
But hey this is the reality of Israel everyday for the past 75 years just exposed by God despite their propaganda.
@MasterLee they started the war now are crying because Israel took back the free water ,power and internet they were given.
But what about Israel and God and dumbass Americans? I bet. You didn’t consider that before you made pro Hamas civilian killing demons with no valid grievances
@WolfNight8 “ you mentioned those poor kids what about when muhammad murdered kids?”
You really wanna mention murder of kids when satanyahu mentions the Bible where Moses is told by god to kill children women and animals ?😂
Anyways , The murder of children maybe is something unique to your beliefs But in Islam murder of children is not allowed even in war
Mohammed was persecuted in Mecca which was his homeland so he went to medina Where the indigenous people welcomed him accepted Islam and appointed him by choice and as a majority vote as their leader Unlike Zionists who took the land from the indigenous Palestines them by force.
As for the minority who did not convert mainly Jewish tribes in Medina he could have killed them at the spot as the leader however Mohammed peacefully made a pact with them and promised them similar rights and not to be displaced as long as they don’t aid the enemy against him they accepted the deal but their arrogance led them to betrayal lies and aggression over and over after pledging allegiance That’s why two tribes were told to leave and the third was executed for its high treason where they assisted in a literal battle against medina Excluding women and children And ironically it’s not Mohammed who ordered for this tribe men’s to be executed but it was an ex Jew who converted to Islam And on his dying bed (dying due to the battle this Jewish tribe aided in) is who issued this decree and he died shortly after
What’s wrong with this? When I imagine the men as the IDF I don’t see a problem at all
@Moon3624 Islam murder of children is not allowed even in war. liar i gave you the hadiths ONE MORE Sa'b b. Jaththama has narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) asked:
What about the children of polytheists killed by the cavalry during the night raid? He said: They are from them.
"You really wanna mention murder of kids when satanyahu mentions the Bible where Moses is told by god to kill children women and animals ?😂 "
BUT IN ISLAM ALLAH SAID HE SENT THE BIBLE QURAN3,3He has sent down to you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) this true Book (the Holy Qur’an), confirming the Books before it, and He sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Bible). – you didn't know? lol - Mohammed was persecuted in Mecca which was his homeland so he went to medina Where the indigenous people welcomed him accepted Islam and appointed him by choice and as a majority vote as their leader Unlike Zionists who took the land from the indigenous Palestines them by force. -
WHERE IS YOUR PROOF MAD MO WAS MISTREATED? QURAN 5.20-21And when Moosa said to his people, “O my people! Remember Allah’s favour upon you, that He created Prophets among you, and made you kings, and has now given you what He has not given to any one else in this world.”"O my people! Enter the holy land (Palestine) which Allah has assigned to you, and turn not back (in flight) for then you will be returned as losers."
WHO BROKE THE PACT? LOL LYING AGAIN? 9.1 QURAN Freedom from (all) obligations (is declared) from Allah and His Messenger (SAW) to those of the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah), with whom you made a treaty. THE PACT WAS BROKEN BY MUHAMMAD
“Quraysh discussed the Messenger of God a great deal, complaining to one another and urging one another on to take action against him.
“They then went AGAIN to Abu Talib, and told him, ‘O Abu Talib, you have seniority, prestige, and position among us, and we have asked you to keep your nephew away from us, but you have not done so. We can’t any longer put up with his behaviour in reviling our forefathers, ridiculing our values, and criticizing our gods, until such time as you make him desist, or we will battle with him and you in this matter, until one or other side perishes.’ They then said something of this sort, and then they left.
“It grieved Abu Talib to be alienated from his people, and he was neither sympathetic to the call for Islam by the Messenger of God nor to the idea of abandoning him.” (Ibid., p. 344)
Yunus b. Bukayr stated that Muhammad b. Ishaq related to him, quoting a man originally from Egypt some forty years previously, from ‘Ikrima, from Ibn ‘Abbas, a long anecdote relating what transpired between the polytheists of Mecca and the Messenger of God. When the Messenger of God arose, Abu Jahl b. Hisham said, “O Quraysh, Muhammad is persisting, as you know, in criticizing our religion, reviling our forefathers, ridiculing our values and insulting our gods. I swear by God that I’ll sit and wait for him tomorrow carrying a rock, and if he prostrates in his prayer, I will smash his head with it! And let ‘Abd Manaf’s people do whatever they like about it afterwards.” (Ibid., p. 337; bold and italic emphasis ours)