When the language was one the Sinhalese and Tamils worked together for throwing off the chains of the occupier. Then both sides wanted to have all and the Sinhalese made laws for cheating the Tamils. Then the Tamils attacked the Sinhalese and the Sinhalese becomes even worse. All the moral leaders if Jesus Buddha Yani or Alla whatever you follow all teach that you cannot destroy another without destroying yourself. Why is India so many languages and Sri Lanka cannot make peace with each other with just two? Who is telling you that to survive you must destroy yourself? I know. They have done these things all over. But we have more in common with each other than we have differences. We care for our childrens childrens future. All lives matter. Yes All lives are precious. It is not justified to take what cannot be given. Our life was not given to us for the purpose of killing life. Just as each cell in the body is there to help the other cells. So are humans there to help the other humans. So now. Who wants others to die wants to die themself. Who wants others to live saves their own life. If people open their eyes they will see. What's happening is not in the dark. You only need to open your eyes to see it. And do not think that people don't care or always have their eyes open to see. They will when they open them. May your people, my people, all people... find the path of life and love of neighbor. And shun the path that leads to pain and hardship. Cordially, just another face in the crowd. -G