Multiculturalism does not work – and is harming this Planet – A list:
Unique Races will die out and unique Cultures and Traditions will die out, getting rid of true diversity
Immigrant races naturally congregate within the host country and will look out for their own races interests above all others.
The immigrants motivations are for selfish benefit – they are not emigrating for the greater good of the Nation or people in the host Nation – but to gain a better standard of living for themselves and often to send money back home to their families. (Why are they not staying and attempting to improve the life of their own people / race? Improving their own nation / homeland?)
You can’t build a feeling of National Community with multiculturalism
Each race has the right to a homeland – to feel safe with their own people… Your race is your extended family. White people are losing their homelands.
Immigrants with different values and genetic predispositions often commit a large proportion of crimes within the host country and do not assimilate and adapt. (We can look at the statistics in the European Countries regarding who commits the crimes… One example: the amount of rapes in Europe by immigrants is extremely disturbing.)
It causes unnecessary tensions within country. (The most happy, peaceful country is Finland (2018 survey) – which is an ethnically homogeneous White nation – only 2.7 percent immigrants – lowest percentage and highest happiness.)
Multiculturalism will bring about the highly oppressive communist Big Brother / New World Order Agenda (Jew World Order) – all people will be incredibly oppressed and tightly controlled
It erodes patriotism and Nationalism and it subverts countries who are protective of their race, country, culture, ancestry and traditions. The sort of countries who would stand against the (((New World Order Agenda))).
Multiculturalism is one of the International Jew’s main weapons in dominating the planet.
Multiculturalism benefits International Jewry and Zionism – it is incessantly promoted by jewish people, through the media they totally own and run, and through the governments they occupy and run – USA, France, UK, Germany, Australia etc etc
Multiculturalism is mainly being used to destroy the White Race – mainly through miscegenation. Multiculturalism combined with the programming and brainwashing via the media leads to race mixing / miscegenation – which in the long term leads to the extinction of the host race.
Immigrant races naturally congregate within the host country and will look out for their own races interests above all others.
The immigrants motivations are for selfish benefit – they are not emigrating for the greater good of the Nation or people in the host Nation – but to gain a better standard of living for themselves and often to send money back home to their families. (Why are they not staying and attempting to improve the life of their own people / race? Improving their own nation / homeland?)
You can’t build a feeling of National Community with multiculturalism
Each race has the right to a homeland – to feel safe with their own people… Your race is your extended family. White people are losing their homelands.
Immigrants with different values and genetic predispositions often commit a large proportion of crimes within the host country and do not assimilate and adapt. (We can look at the statistics in the European Countries regarding who commits the crimes… One example: the amount of rapes in Europe by immigrants is extremely disturbing.)
It causes unnecessary tensions within country. (The most happy, peaceful country is Finland (2018 survey) – which is an ethnically homogeneous White nation – only 2.7 percent immigrants – lowest percentage and highest happiness.)
Multiculturalism will bring about the highly oppressive communist Big Brother / New World Order Agenda (Jew World Order) – all people will be incredibly oppressed and tightly controlled
It erodes patriotism and Nationalism and it subverts countries who are protective of their race, country, culture, ancestry and traditions. The sort of countries who would stand against the (((New World Order Agenda))).
Multiculturalism is one of the International Jew’s main weapons in dominating the planet.
Multiculturalism benefits International Jewry and Zionism – it is incessantly promoted by jewish people, through the media they totally own and run, and through the governments they occupy and run – USA, France, UK, Germany, Australia etc etc
Multiculturalism is mainly being used to destroy the White Race – mainly through miscegenation. Multiculturalism combined with the programming and brainwashing via the media leads to race mixing / miscegenation – which in the long term leads to the extinction of the host race.