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The term "cult" is used so loosely today and people will deem any group, system or ideology they disagree with as a cult, but in reality a cult has

to meet a set of very specific characteristics. How would you rightly and objectively define a cult and what main characteristics would you ascribe to it? I didn't know what group to put this under, so I just chose culture and race. In the word Culture is cult. CULTure is your operating system and when you go visit another culture, what do you feel? Culture shock, because it's different from the culture you're in. You see, that is using cult loosely and incorrectly.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Typical Cult characteristics include:

A charismatic leader
Ideological purity (no questioning the leader.)
Isolation and love-bombing
Mind-altering practices: Sleep deprivation, chanting, etc. to break down defenses.
Us-vs-them mentality
Apocalyptic thinking
RobinRightwild · 31-35, MNew
@badminton Two characteristics that you didn't mention are that cults do not allow people to leave and they have secret teachings only for their followers.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@Heartlander you mean the trumplicans!!
RobinRightwild · 31-35, MNew
@Heartlander @badminton Both the right and the left are puppets of the illuminati cult. Those who are still trapped in the false left right paradigm, the hegelian dialectic, are still brainwashed cult members.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
There is an issue of scale. I think by definition, a cult needs to be a minority in a society. Otherwise, other things (such as major religions or national popularism) could fit the various definitions. I think this is the main argument against scientology being a cult - it's a little too widespread and its members do function in normal society. In that sense, it is more of just a corrupt controlling religion (no different than most religions, just smaller).

I am guessing you are more specifically referring to the MAGA movement as a "cult". In that case, I think people calling it a cult are more specifically focusing on Trump himself as a leader and ultimate authority - whatever Trump says, goes. In terms of politics, that hasn't typically been the norm for the United States. I think the cult definition applies to MAGA pretty well in that regard, but fails in areas of scale and because it is mainstream and the majority in many areas of the USA. Probably more applicable to compare MAGA to other nationalist movements in history than to a true cult like "heaven's gate" or the Branch Davidians.
Most cults in the ancient world revolved around either rock worship (west and middle east had 17 Kaaba's with black rocks, Rome (the city during Roman times) had 3 total, and I don't really know how many total India has, or China. Arabia had at least two, Muhammad kept one feom Becca, and destroyed one in Yemen. Only one in western world still in religious use is the one relocated to Mecca.


You also have cults of sacred space. Our concept of the sacrosant and the secular comes from the center of Rome, the outline of the lath which the vestal virgins would march. I've seem some argue the Lapis Niger isn't the column, but rather a black rock (Baetyl) buried UNDER the grave of Numa Pompilius. I'm unaware of a excavation that went underneath his grave, just the one that found the black column.

You also have cults centered around mythological supernatural figures, or heroes. It has locations sacred, as small as a tree or a sping, or as big as a mountain. There is alot of syncretism in this.

You also have cults of personality. Two aspects of the mind dominate here- the left hemisphere is what governs our fanatical attraction to someone, like teenage girls to a boy band. But the three tiered dopamine pump's third stage ends in the thalamus, and personalities in this region of the mind are the corporate bureaucrats that form councils and endlessly debate. Think congressional committes. They tend to be attracted to strong executives, and those tend to be second tier in the dopamine pump (rarely first but it happens).

Marxists are a classic example of this. It's a very cultic religious belief system. Absolutely confirmed atheists in the congress of the soviets were more religious than the pope. And they not so coincidentally had a very similar governing structure.

When their system fails, they go through a period of ideological nihilism until the next strongman pops up to lead them. They lie tooth and nail and it is the authority of the party that matters more, not empericism or thrawting structural rot or needed reforms. Democrats since at least the 80s have been identified in study after study as attracring the bulk of these thinkers. Most democrats are not these thinkers, just their upper echelon party members. They are highly cuktic, abhore extremism, but don't know how to tell if they themselves are extremists. They like to combine ideas. It doesn't always work. They are poor administrators and always try to govern by council, SOPs and procedures. Endless paralyzing regulation is the result. When it is pointed out they are radical, they deny it- and when the shit falls apart they abandon ship until another strongman comes along to put the pieces back together again. Then everything is ok to them.

You also have cults of Ideas, like Pythagoras.
For me, the key characteristic of a cult is that it convinces its members that all their other sources of info are wrong or lying, and that only the cult has the truth.

There are other characteristics of cults, but to me, an alleged monopoly on the truth is the crucial one.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@ElwoodBlues Many religions would fall into that category, as would most fascist regimes. But I agree, this is an important characteristic - gathering outside information is discouraged or even prohibited.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
@ElwoodBlues Yes, in fact, when the leader of a well known cult calls global warming a hoax, the cult members accept it as truth in spite of their own sensory perceptions and observations... Ernie
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Its a bit of a spectrum in my opinion. But yes I do think it is used loosely. I think the increased usage is due to the polarization of our society is causing extremes that behave in cult like ways.
RobinRightwild · 31-35, MNew
@JimboSaturn In a loose manner, one could make the case that society itself is a cult. Think about it, from cradle to grave we are given an official version of reality by the school system that we are told not to question and if we do, we are laughed at, mocked, marginalized and ostracized. We then spend our lives stressed, depressed and anxious over chasing what we are told is the most valuable thing - green paper, monopoly money, fiat currency (it's all a game). Some worship it and crush others to get it, in order to achieve a false sense of happiness, when it's a complete delusion. Go to school, get married, walk on the pavement, pay taxes, watch TV, die. - Now repeat after me, I am free. The elite, as the greatest cult, has in a sense given the public its mind, to vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, watch their movies, sacrificing their souls at the altar of materialism. The governments are given rights that regular citizens don't have, like stealing money from others using coercion and violence and calling it "taxes". If you question it or go against it, you are held at gunpoint and sent to jail. Can't get much more cultic than that, right? I could go on, but you get the point.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@RobinRightwild I get your point. You could argue that a cult is just another different control group from society. I think there are other elements to a cult but your idea is thought provoking.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Jehovah's Witnesses.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@RobinRightwild I have accepted Christ, He's the only reason I still breathe.
RobinRightwild · 31-35, MNew
@GeistInTheMachine Amen. Praise The Lord. I have some great edifying and faith increasing resources for you to watch. They are well worth your time:







GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@RobinRightwild Thank you man! I'll check it out.
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Ynotisay · M
Reality just called bro. It's worried about you and asked that you get in touch.
Ynotisay · M
@RobinRightwild Not confused tiger. It's all blatantly clear. Just not in the way you think it is.
RobinRightwild · 31-35, MNew
@Ynotisay ......Okay then. You might want to look in the mirror and apply your first comment to yourself. Projection isn't a good look. Take care, mate.
Ynotisay · M
@RobinRightwild The way I see it is that it's only the weak and fear-driven who live in a world of made up enemies. It's necessary so they have someone or something to blame for their own failures and shortcomings. It's not rocket science.
Sorry "mate." Not my lane. But there's plenty of places where you can find those who think like you. .
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
A cult does require that its members accept uncritically the ideas of the leader/Messiah. No factual evidence will sway them from their belief..😷
Yes, we have cult like behavior in our manager class.
Carla · 61-69, F
There are plenty of definitions to read.
trollslayer · 46-50, M

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