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I am Egyptian

I really hate to sound racist, but the typical Egyptian man really gets on my nerves endlessly.. They are just too freaking annoying.. I feel they are presumptuous, VERY unprofessional, like whenever I call a helpline or order from a place and the person on the other side is Egyptian, I JUST KNOW that he is either going to give me wrong information or get my order wrong 🤷‍♀️ the annoying part is that they'd promise you to do it, and I'd be sure at that very moment that they won't! They just take things lightly, and they have this habit of advising on things they are not aware of 🤷‍♀️ like literally if I make up something that doesn't exist and go ask an Egyptian guy about it, he could very possibly talk about it for hours pretending to be well versed on the subject 🤷‍♀️

Plus I feel they are insecure with ego issues and always look at women with such undersetimation, .. they just assume that if you are a woman you must know about cooking and home matters and also must be obssessed with shopping and joke these terrible stupid jokes.

Some months ago i was buying some bedding and the guy at the store mentioned a word that I did not get, and when I told him I am not sure what he meant, he was like; aren't you Egyptian? Me; yes? Then he repeated exactly the same word again expecting me to understand now after I confirmed I was Egyptian 🤷‍♀️ I almost threw the pillow I was holding at him.. I just felt he was thinking, Egyptian woman must be aware about such house matters

And now two Egyptian dudes behind me talking about such stupid things with such loud voice, I keep on removing my headphones and giving them angry looks... but they are not taking a hint. Typical!
Miram · 31-35, F
I just like to mention that Algerian men dont shower everyday since we are bashing our peoples.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Miram I like how you always step in and support in such subjects ..
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Miram Can you put back your old profile pic :(
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
With the exception of @PiecingBabyFaceTogether but then he is a babyface and that's different.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Miram It is because I raised him as a good baby face 🥔😌
@BittersweetPotato That's exactly why I couldn't handle being friends with them Egyptian men for so long. Even the ones I met in Turkey they're all the same!
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether No it is not purely about religion! I mean yea religion makes it worse, but culturally speaking, I seem to find Egyptians to be a bit more sexist than many other Arabic nationalities. I could be wrong though, it is just how i feel from what I see around. I will say this though, there is a possibility I have more exposure to Egyptian men so I see their flaws more than the rest
Ontheroad · M
@BittersweetPotato I can't now remember how I even found SW, but it is fun to see those I remember and reconnect. I'm hoping in the days to come to have more time to check in and find more of the old gang.

Don't get too hard on how things are going right now - things will once again change. I had for the most part a fantastic time there and found the people of Egypt welcoming and helpful. Well, all but one particular father of a lovely lady who I found interesting... he decided immediately I was at best a scallywag trying to lure his daughter to the dark side 😂. Geez!

You are right about the food, but also the history and beauty of the country. I can't tell you the hours, actually days and days I spent walking the streets of Alexandria, Cairo and cities in Upper Egypt just totally enthralled.

Let's not loose contact again!
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Ontheroad You probably came. from EP like all of us. We all migrated to SW when EP shut down.

I am glad you had a good time! and really funny about the father, but I am not surprised the least! They can be quite paranoid and overprotective about their daughters lol Especially seeing someone from a different culture, they'd definitely think all the wrong thoughts!

But then the history and beauty of the country was not the product of the Arabic culture after all! Actually, sadly, the Arabs took over and ruined once a great country with such interesting history.

Hope to see you more often on here, and I am sure you will be able to meet more of your old friends, because most of us came to this website :)
@AuRevoir That's why I can't be friends with them. It's not just about religion and ways of thinking. The whole package is toxic.
Ontheroad · M
It's been years, many years but I spent a couple of years in Egypt (mostly Alexandria) and I found most male Egyptians... shall we say, patriarchal, dismissive of women and even in public, quite crude and offensive towards women... so yeah, I get what you are saying. Seems to carry over to many I've know here in the U.S.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Ontheroad I don't know if you remember me or not, but my previous name used to be MissGaga, and I remember you from the ExperienceProject :) Believe it or not, came across your old profile in my friends list only a few days ago and wondered where you are and whether you would come again.. We had a conversation about Egyptian fava beans so many years ago, maybe back in 2013 or 2014 lol. Unfortunately, the Egyptian culture is getting even worse after the revolution, maybe even during the time you spent there, there was more security and safety, now it is much worse.. More aggressive people, more violence and crimes!
Ontheroad · M
@BittersweetPotato Hey there! I do remember you and wondered if it might be you. It has been years and years and I too have kind, fond memories of our talks. It's sad to hear that things are worse, but on the other hand, I'm thrilled to find you here. I'm still eating the fava beans mix but unfortunately, the bakery here that made the Egyptian bread (Aish Baladi) closed down 😞.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Ontheroad I am so glad you have come back! I have to say, it is really weird that you crossed my mind only a few days ago!! I was surprised when I saw a notification from you. I've been always very fond of you and of our old talks, and glad you still remember me. Will add you to my friends list.

haha I cannot believe you know "Aish Baladi", I am impressed! Sorry to hear you can't get it anymore :/ On the plus side though, it is fattening, and not very healthy for you!

I have to say, the only good thing I could think about our culture is the good food lol.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
That`s nice dear, now move aside and let the men in. 🤭 *ruuuuuuuuns*
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@BittersweetPotato *stink eye dance*

BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Degbeme What is that thing I am seeing 🥔😱🤭
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@BittersweetPotato Lately a waste of flesh. 🤭
It’s how I feel about Somali men and Black men in general
My brother once told me that a clerk in his office mistook him for a fellow Égyptien and was annoyed that he was "refusing" to speak the language. In spite of my brother’s insistence, the fellow just concluded that he’d "been in the U.S. too long" and apparently decided to make allowances. Ev found it funny after the guy stopped being miffed.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard This is very funny, but I am not surprised! People can get offended of weird things, and Arabs tend to have weird pride in their language. I don't understand why insist on having someone speak the language, even IF your brother was an Arab or Egyptian for that matter, it was really none of that Egyptian guy business what language he spoke, if he doesn't want to talk in Arabic, then be it 🤷‍♀️
@BittersweetPotato They actually became pretty good friends. After he met Pop he was finally convinced my brother wasn’t all Egyptian, but it was okay.

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